The Cybersecurity Challenges of Working From Anywhere - WhoWhatWhy The Cybersecurity Challenges of Working From Anywhere - WhoWhatWhy

cybersecurity, remote workers, hacking, challenges
Photo credit: Nenad Stojkovic / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

The Cybersecurity Challenges of Working From Anywhere (Maria)

The author writes, “The shift to remote working during the pandemic coincided with a significant rise in cybersecurity incidences as criminals sought to take advantage of both the stress and disruption of the pandemic itself and the increased ‘attack surface’ available to target. ‘While most industries made the shift to remote work due to the pandemic, it created new attack surfaces for cybercriminals to take advantage of, such as home devices being used for business purposes,’ Microsoft explained in their recent Digital Defense Report.”

Putin’s War on Ukraine Is Drawing Battle Lines Within Russia (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “When Russians showed shame and grief over President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, his most loyal propagandist was withering: ‘If you are now ashamed that you are Russian, don’t worry, you’re not Russian,’ the editor in chief of state-owned broadcaster RT, Margarita Simonyan, sniped on Twitter. The invasion that united NATO and Europe on sanctions as never before also divided Russians. One one side: an outward-looking urban middle class, who vacation in Europe, while away time scrolling through Western apps on their iPhones and send their children to universities abroad. On the other: Putin loyalists, many less-educated Russians or older people raised on Soviet propaganda.”

196% Increase in Cyberattacks on Ukraine’s Government and Military (Sean)

From Cyber Risk Leaders: “Check Point Research (CPR) has released data on cyberattacks observed around the current Russia/Ukraine conflict and shares safety tips for people looking to donate to Ukraine. Cyberattacks on Ukraine’s government and military sector surged by a staggering 196% in the first three days of combat, compared to the early days of February 2022. Cyberattacks on Russian organizations increased by 4%. Phishing emails in the East Slavic languages increased 7-fold, where a third of those malicious phishing emails were directed at Russian recipients sent from Ukrainian emails addresses. CPR also warns of fraudulent emails being sent to dupe people who are seeking to donate to Ukraine from abroad, issues example and four safety tips.”

Brookside Investigator Finds Police in Alabama Town Preyed on the Poor (DonkeyHotey)

From “A former judge appointed to investigate claims of police abuses in the tiny Alabama town of Brookside, just north of Birmingham, has found a pattern of bullying that preyed on the poor and those who seemed weak. ‘In my view they were picking on people — it’s not true in every case — on people who were not going to fight back or appeared to not have the means to fight back like those who are in a better position in society,’ former Jefferson County Circuit Judge Kenneth Simon told”

Germany to Give Extra $720M to Holocaust Survivors Globally (Dana)

The author writes, “Germany has agreed to extend another $720m (648 million euros) to provide home care and supportive services for frail and vulnerable Holocaust survivors, according to the organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under Nazi Germany. The announcement came on Wednesday as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was in Israel for the first time since becoming the leader of his country.”

A Garden City Gets Serious About Growth (Dan)

The author writes, “The planned community of Columbia, Maryland, is trying to add urban-style density, without losing its suburban soul — or its founder’s utopian ideals.” 

Kansas Woman Wins Traditional Pancake Race Against England (Dana)

The author writes, “A woman from Liberal, Kansas, is this year’s champion of the traditional Pancake Day Race against women in Olney, England. Whitney Hay won the U.S. leg of the race in Liberal on Tuesday with a time of 1:07, KSNW-TV reported. That beat Katie Godof of Olney, England, who ran her race in 1:10. … Contestants must carry a pancake in a frying pan and flip it at the beginning and end of the 415-yard (380-meter) race. The event began in Olney in the 15th century. In 1950, Liberal challenged Olney to an international competition.”