Spies Fear a Consulting Firm Helped Hobble US Intelligence - WhoWhatWhy Spies Fear a Consulting Firm Helped Hobble US Intelligence - WhoWhatWhy

How White Nationalists Are Infiltrating the GOP ; The International Space Station's Mold Problem ; and More Picks 7/2

Spies Fear a Consulting Firm Helped Hobble US Intelligence

How White Nationalists Are Infiltrating the GOP ; The International Space Station's Mold Problem ; and More Picks

How White Nationalists Are Infiltrating the GOP ; The International Space Station's Mold Problem ; and More Picks 7/2

Russia Paid Radio Broadcaster $1.4M to Air Kremlin Propaganda in DC (DonkeyHotey)

From Open Secrets: “Marking DOJ’s first successful civil enforcement action under the Foreign Agents Registration Act in more than two decades, U.S. District Court Judge Robin Rosenberg ruled that RM Broadcasting should be registered as a foreign agent under FARA due to its relationship with Rossiya Segodnya, the Russian government’s media enterprise that owns Sputnik International and was created by Vladimir Putin to advance Russia’s interests abroad.”

Children Allegedly Sprayed With Bleach in Forced Labor Case (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “An Eastern Kentucky man forced his girlfriend’s four children to sell items door-to-door and abused them if they didn’t bring back enough money, spraying them with bleach and sometimes beating them with a wooden rod, according to a federal court document. The mother of the four, Tiffany Louise Walsh, 33, pleaded guilty Friday in federal court to a charge of benefiting from forced labor. Walsh’s boyfriend used the money her children collected to buy lottery tickets, cigarettes and food for himself and Walsh, she acknowledged in her plea agreement.”

‘All You Have to Do is Show Up’: How White Nationalists Are Infiltrating the GOP (Chris)

From Political Research Associates: “In recent years, the most adept attempts at entryism have come from those trying to embed in the Republican Party a far-right ideology that calls for a rebirth of a nation’s mythic past in order to create a populist movement founded on ultranationalism, inequality, and strong, centralized authority. Such an ideology is best described as fascism. They’ve done this primarily by mainstreaming ideas, talking points, and conceptual models—like bringing White nationalist ideas into broader public debates about immigration.”

‘Government-Run Healthcare’ Is a Product of Health Industry–Run Media (Gerry)

The author writes, “The terms ‘private health insurance’ and ‘government-run plan’ are everywhere in US media. … [A new] report, ‘Parroting the Right: How the Media, Pollsters Adoption of Insurance Industry Spin Warps Democracy,’ demonstrates how  power brokers in the for-profit health industry have worked to make this exact language (‘government-run healthcare’) the boilerplate description for a national health system in major media outlets.”

The International Space Station Has a Mold Problem (Mili)

The author writes, “Astronauts on the ISS spend hours every week cleaning the inside of the station’s walls to prevent mold from becoming a health problem. New research finds mold spores may also survive on the outside walls of spacecraft.”


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