Scientists Aim to Make 3D Map of World Before Climate Change Ruins It - WhoWhatWhy Scientists Aim to Make 3D Map of World Before Climate Change Ruins It - WhoWhatWhy

Lululemon Workers Claim They Are Beaten ; Water Tables Are Sinking Worldwide ; and More Picks 10/16

Scientists Aim to Make 3D Map of World Before Climate Change Ruins It

Lululemon Workers Claim They Are Beaten ; Water Tables Are Sinking Worldwide ; and More Picks

Lululemon Workers Claim They Are Beaten ; Water Tables Are Sinking Worldwide ; and More Picks 10/16

Mayors of 94 Cities Are Taking the Green New Deal Global (Chris)

From The Conversation: “Cities matter enormously for the battle against climate change, because while they are a major source of the problem, they also offer the resources to tackle it. Most people live in cities, and they are expected to house almost 70% of the global population by 2050. Already, 75% of global energy demand, and 80% of greenhouse gas emissions come from hungry urban hubs. So any solution to the climate emergency must include a vision of a global network of low carbon, sustainable cities.”

Workers Making Lululemon Leggings Claim They Are Beaten (Chris)

The authors write, “Lululemon, an athleisure brand whose £88 leggings are worn by celebrities and Instagram influencers, are sourcing clothing from a factory where Bangladeshi female factory workers claim they are beaten and physically assaulted.”

UNLV Group Studies ‘Violent Energy’ That Ignites Online Hate Speech (Reader Steve)

From the Las Vegas Sun: “[Sociologist Simon] Gottschalk believes online environments accelerate, amplify and convert negative emotional hate to physical violence in a way face-to-face encounters don’t.”

Study: Water Tables Are Sinking Worldwide (Mili)

The author writes, “Groundwater is the world’s largest source of freshwater and it is of vital importance for food production. Increasing extraction of groundwater in recent decades has resulted in sinking water tables worldwide. A study by hydrologist Dr. Inge de Graaf from the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Freiburg shows that almost 20 percent of the catchments areas where groundwater is pumped suffer from a flow of streams and rivers that is too low to sustain their freshwater ecosystems. This number is expected to increase to 50 percent by 2050.”

Jerry Brown Touted California’s ‘Own Damn Satellite.’ It May Be Named for Him. (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “[Governor Gavin] Newsom said Tuesday that he intended to honor his predecessor by attaching his name to a satellite that would gather information on climate change, one of Brown’s overriding interests during his second stint as governor from 2011-19.”


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