Rare Pygmy Hippo Born in Greek Zoo — And Why Such Births Are So Important - WhoWhatWhy Rare Pygmy Hippo Born in Greek Zoo — And Why Such Births Are So Important - WhoWhatWhy

science, biodiversity, endangered species, rare pygmy hippo, Greek zoo birth
Photo credit: Tambako The Jaguar / Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0 DEED)

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Rare Pygmy Hippo Born in Greek Zoo — And Why Such Births Are So Important (Maria)

The author writes, “The birth of a rare pygmy hippo means the newborn’s species is closer to being saved. … [Last] week, a rare pygmy hippopotamus was born in Athens’ Attica Zoological Park. The species is endangered, making the birth an exciting event for those working to rebuild its population. It was also the first pygmy hippo birth this particular zoo has witnessed in a decade. A lack of male pygmy hippos in captivity has proved challenging for repopulation efforts. Therefore, zookeepers and conservationists are even more ecstatic about this most recent — and yet unnamed — baby’s arrival because of its sex.”

New Judiciary Regulations May Help Judges and Justices Hide the True Value of Their Luxury Trips (Reader Pat)

From Fix the Court: “Revisions to the judiciary’s financial disclosure guidelines that went into effect last week appear to make it easier for federal judges and justices to hide the true value of some of the more luxurious gifts — i.e., free travel — they receive.”

Clerking for Judge Aileen Cannon: A Behind-the-Scenes Look (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “A tale of two clerkships: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

California Republican Senate Candidate Steve Garvey Owes at Least $350,000 in Back Taxes (Reader Steve)

From The Sacramento Bee: “California Republican Senate candidate Steve Garvey owes state and federal taxes incurred 13 years ago totaling at least $350,000 and as much as $750,000, according to his February financial disclosure statement. Such a large tax liability on a federal financial disclosure form from a senator or a candidate is extremely rare, said Robert Maguire, research director at the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a nonpartisan watchdog group.”

Interactive Map: Inside US School Segregation by Race & Class (Dana)

The author writes, “Plopped in the middle of the school district in Dallas, Texas, is an island that has existed unto itself for decades. Since the mid-20th century, the town of Highland Park has resisted annexation and today operates a separate, roughly 6,700-student school district that is surrounded on all sides by the 139,723-student Dallas Independent School District. Student demographics between the two school systems — and the services they’re able to offer — are markedly different, according to a just-released report from New America’s Education Funding Equity Initiative, which explores how school district borders across the U.S. create racial and economic segregation — often intentionally. Included in the report is an in-depth, interactive map that allows users to explore school district segregation by race and class in their own communities.” 

Study: Best Way To Memorize Stuff? It Depends … (Mili)

The author writes, “The research, described in the March 12 online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), suggests that varying what we study and spacing out our learning over time can both be helpful for memory — it just depends on what we’re trying to remember. ‘Lots of prior research has shown that learning and memory benefit from spacing study sessions out,’ said Benjamin Rottman, an associate professor of psychology and director of the Causal Learning and Decision-Making Lab at Pitt. ‘For example, if you cram the night before a test, you might remember the information the next day for the test, but you will probably forget it fairly soon,’ he added. ‘In contrast, if you study the material on different days leading up to the test, you will be more likely to recall it for a longer period of time.’”

Bats of the Midnight Sun (Laura)

From Hakai Magazine: “Active in daylight during the Arctic summer and hibernating during the long winter nights, Alaska’s little brown bats are a unique population. Can their niche lives help them avoid white-nose syndrome?”

From Our Archives

This Is Only a Test! If This Were a Real Emergency…

October 4, 2023: “A different kind of disaster — the train wreck that is the politics of the United States — has been going on, in super slow motion, since the day Bush v. Gore was decided in December 2000.”

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