Protesters March On Across US Despite Curfews and Arrests - WhoWhatWhy Protesters March On Across US Despite Curfews and Arrests - WhoWhatWhy

Can Trump Use 1807 Law to Send Federal Troops Into States? ; Last Person to Receive Civil War–Era Pension Dies ; and More Picks 6/3

Protesters March On Across US Despite Curfews and Arrests

Can Trump Use 1807 Law to Send Federal Troops In? ; Last Person to Receive Civil War–Era Pension Dies ; and More Picks

Can Trump Use 1807 Law to Send Federal Troops Into States? ; Last Person to Receive Civil War–Era Pension Dies ; and More Picks 6/3

Pentagon Officials on Edge Over Military Leaders’ Dealings With Trump (Reader Jim)

From Politico: “For years, top military leadership has tried to minimize the perception that the armed forces are being used by the president for political purposes.”

Can Trump Use 1807 Law to Send Federal Troops Into States? (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The last times U.S. presidents used the Insurrection Act of 1807 to send military forces into a state over the governor’s objections were during the civil rights era, to integrate an Arkansas high school in 1957 and the University of Mississippi in 1962.”

Gannett Doesn’t Let News of Uprising Interfere With Business (Celia)

The author writes, “Some of the larger Gannett papers — the Des Moines Register, the Detroit Free Press and the Columbus Dispatch, among others — did bestow lavish, out-front coverage on the protests [on Sunday]. But at the papers in Naples, Fla. and Fayetteville, N.C., [coverage of the protests only appeared in the metro section].”

Sixth Mass Extinction of Wildlife Accelerating, Scientists Warn (Dana)

The author writes, “Analysis shows 500 species on brink of extinction — as many as were lost over previous century.”

On International Sex Workers Day, Amsterdam’s Sex Workers Have Little to Celebrate (Mili)

The author writes, “Henna X travelled from Amsterdam to Rotterdam last week to have an ‘O’ tattooed on her arm. She was just one of the city’s sex workers who headed to an undisclosed location to have part of Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights imprinted forever on her body. With large gatherings banned this International Sex Workers Day due to coronavirus restrictions, the tattoo is itself a sort of protest. The ‘O’ is part of the word ‘protection’, which sex workers say they have little of these days.”

Last Person to Receive Civil War–Era Pension Dies (Chris)

From the Wall Street Journal: “Irene Triplett, the last person receiving a pension from the U.S. Civil War, has died at the age of 90. Ms. Triplett’s father, Mose Triplett, started fighting in the war for the Confederacy, but defected to the North in 1863. That decision earned his daughter Irene, the product of a late-in-life marriage to a woman almost 50 years his junior, a pension of $73.13 a month from the Department of Veterans Affairs.”