Our Ecological Catastrophe Demands New Ways of Thinking - WhoWhatWhy Our Ecological Catastrophe Demands New Ways of Thinking - WhoWhatWhy

Grocery Store Workers Are at Their Breaking Point ; UN Slams US Abortion Laws ; and More Picks 6/6

Our Ecological Catastrophe Demands New Ways of Thinking

Grocery Store Workers Are at Their Breaking Point ; UN Slams US Abortion Laws ; and More Picks

Grocery Store Workers Are at Their Breaking Point ; UN Slams US Abortion Laws ; and More Picks 6/6

Six Men With Ties to Michael Brown Protests Have Died Since 2014 (Chris)

The author writes, “Two young men were found dead inside torched cars. Three others died of apparent suicides. Another collapsed on a bus, his death ruled an overdose.”

Grocery Store Workers Are at Their Breaking Point (Chris)

From Eater:Stop & Shop proposed eliminating premium pay on national holidays and eliminating raises. At Walmart, one pregnant employee had to continue heavy lifting or risk being put on unpaid leave. And organizing group Whole Worker says the … ‘order to shelf’ inventory management system (the inter-store system that lets [Whole Foods] workers track what’s being bought and what needs to be replaced) is so punitive it regularly makes employees cry from stress.”

UN Slams US Abortion Laws as ‘Extremist Hate’ and ‘Torture’ (Mili)

The author writes, “Kate Gilmore [the United Nations’ deputy high commissioner for human rights] said experts have noted that banning abortion outright, as several U.S. states have come close to doing in recent months, violates humans rights. … ‘We have to stand with the evidence and facts and in solidarity with women, and in particular young women and minority women who are really under the gun,’ Gilmore told the Guardian.”

Online Voting Seems Like a Great Idea — Until You Look Closer (Gerry)

From Scientific American: “Tech experts can’t guarantee it’s safe.”

Documents Reveal FBI Once Tested Hair an Oregon Man Thought Was From Bigfoot (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The lab examined them ‘by transmitted and incident light microscopy’ that included ‘root structure, medullary structure and cuticle thickness in addition to scale casts’ … Plus, they were compared ‘with hair of known origin.’”

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