Ocean Reefs Hidden Beneath Offshore Oil Rigs Flourishing - WhoWhatWhy Ocean Reefs Hidden Beneath Offshore Oil Rigs Flourishing - WhoWhatWhy

How New Mexico Averted a Steep Death Toll ; Rare White Orca Spotted in Puget Sound ; and More Picks 4/27

Ocean Reefs Hidden Beneath Offshore Oil Rigs Flourishing

How New Mexico Averted a Steep Death Toll ; Rare White Orca Spotted in Puget Sound ; and More Picks

How New Mexico Averted a Steep Death Toll ; Rare White Orca Spotted in Puget Sound ; and More Picks 4/27

How New Mexico, One of the Poorest States, Averted a Steep Death Toll (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “New Mexico’s measures included shutting down schools before most states, aggressively expanding social distancing, ramping up testing beyond levels achieved in richer states and using a pioneering telemedicine initiative to quickly train rural health workers for coronavirus care.”

Lockdown Saves as Many as 60,000 Lives in France, Study Shows (Mili)

From France 24: “The French government agrees with a study by analysts from the French School of Public Health, which concluded that lockdown measures prevented 60,000 deaths in France, Health Minister Olivier Véran said Friday morning.”

Coronavirus Found in Paris Sewage Points to Early Warning System (Chris)

The author writes, “Sewer monitoring can illustrate the timing and scale of outbreaks that are currently difficult to visualize because of a general lack of human testing.”

With Recycling’s Dirty Truths Exposed, Washington Works Toward a Better System (Reader Steve)

From the Seattle Times: “In 2017, about three-quarters of the stuff Seattleites dumped in their blue recycling bins — from grocery store ads and crumpled cracker boxes to shampoo bottles and yogurt tubs — was shipped to China. These days, virtually none of it is.”

Rare White Orca Spotted in Puget Sound Waters — Just Don’t Call It Albino (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Tl’uk the white orca has been wowing onlookers all over Puget Sound this month. The two-year old transient orca whale is not really white, but grey. However the orca seems to glow white through the water, or when seen next to the usual black and white orcas of his family.”