NYC Skyscraper Owners Turn to Carbon Capture to Fight Climate Change - WhoWhatWhy NYC Skyscraper Owners Turn to Carbon Capture to Fight Climate Change - WhoWhatWhy

climate crisis, global warming, NYC buildings, carbon emissions, capture
Photo credit: NatureLifePhoto / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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NYC Skyscraper Owners Turn to Carbon Capture to Fight Climate Change (Maria)

The author writes, “From the outside, the residential high-rise on Manhattan’s Upper West Side looks pretty much like any other luxury building: A doorman greets visitors in a spacious lobby adorned with tapestry and marble. Yet just below in the basement is an unusual set of equipment that no other building in New York City — indeed few in the world — can claim. In an effort to drastically reduce the 30-story building’s emissions, the owners have installed a maze of twisting pipes and tanks that collect carbon dioxide from the massive, gas-fired boilers in the basement before it goes to the chimney and is released into the air. The goal is to stop that climate-warming gas from entering the atmosphere.”

Group Trying to Gain Official Party Status Warned Against Misleading Voters (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “Maine’s secretary of state has sent a cease-and-desist letter to national organization No Labels, expressing concerns that it has confused voters who think they are signing a petition but instead are enrolling in a new party.”

An Arizona Elections Director Documented Errors, Certified Incorrect Results, and Then Cashed In (Reader Steve) 

From Votebeat Arizona: “Pinal County elections chief Virginia Ross had proof of inaccuracies that she didn’t flag before county supervisors certified the November election results, a Votebeat investigation found. Instead, she told them she stood by the numbers — and then collected a $25,000 bonus.”

New Study Finds a High Minimum Wage Creates Jobs (Dana) 

From New York Magazine: “When they narrowed their lens, the researchers [at the University of California, Berkeley] did in fact find that the employment impacts of minimum wage hikes became more profound: Rather than producing a slight increase in job growth, high minimum wages were associated with substantial increases in employment.” 

End of a Love Affair: AM Radio Is Being Removed From Many Cars (Russ) 

From The Washington Post: “America’s love affair between the automobile and AM radio — a century-long romance that provided the soundtrack for lovers’ lanes, kept the lonely company with ballgames and chat shows, sparked family singalongs and defined road trips — is on the verge of collapse, a victim of galloping technological change and swiftly changing consumer tastes.” 

Human-Made Stuff Now Outweighs Earth’s Biomass (Sean)

The author writes, “In a new study published in the journal Nature, they [researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel] conclude that the weight of human-made materials — called anthropogenic mass — now surpasses, or soon will surpass, the mass of all other living beings on Earth (it has +/- of six years).”

At Eurovision, Ukrainians Find Community Far From Home (Roshni) 

From The New York Times: “This week, there were reminders round every street corner in Liverpool that this northern English city is hosting the Eurovision Song Contest as a stand-in for last year’s winning country, Ukraine, where war continues to rage more than a year after Russia’s full-scale invasion.”