NY Gov Signs Novel Law That Limits Cryptomining — For Now - WhoWhatWhy NY Gov Signs Novel Law That Limits Cryptomining — For Now - WhoWhatWhy

tech, environment, N.Y., FTX, cryptocurrency mining curb, Kathy Hochul
Photo credit: glasseyes view / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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NY Gov Signs Novel Law That Limits Cryptomining — For Now (Maria)

The author writes, “New York is taking a first-in-the-nation step to tap the brakes on the spread of cryptocurrency mining, under legislation that Gov. Kathy Hochul signed Tuesday. The measure comes amid growing scrutiny of the cryptocurrency industry following this month’s collapse of the FTX exchange. But New York’s measure, which passed the state Legislature in June, is specifically concerned with the environmental aspects of crypto. ‘I will ensure that New York continues to be the center of financial innovation, while also taking important steps to prioritize the protection of our environment,’ Hochul, a Democrat, said in a message explaining her approval.”

Hamadeh Files Suit to Stop Mayes From Being Declared Election Winner (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The apparent losing candidate for attorney general is asking a judge to block the [Arizona] secretary of state from declaring Kris Mayes the winner. Legal papers filed Tuesday in Maricopa County Superior Court by Republican Abe Hamadeh claim there was a series of mistakes and illegal actions in the general election that resulted in some people’s votes not being counted and others miscounted. That’s especially important, according to attorneys for Hamadeh and the Republican National Committee, because the final tally shows Democrat Mayes ahead by just 510 votes out of more than 2.5 million ballots cast.”  

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Pardons 45,000 People With Marijuana Possession Convictions (DonkeyHotey)

From The Oregonian: “Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Monday that she is issuing a pardon for Oregonians who have been convicted of simple possession of marijuana. The pardon is for people convicted of possessing one ounce or less of marijuana before 2016 when they were 21 or older. Brown’s pardon applies in cases where possession was the only charge, and there were no victims. The pardon will remove 47,144 convictions for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana, and will impact approximately 45,000 people, her office said. The move will also forgive more than $14 million in fines and fees associated with the offenses.”

As Profits Soar, the Disneyland and Disney World Magic Is Dying (Sean)

From Kotaku: “The Disney Parks have seen better days. What was once a desirable, affordable vacation for some American middle class families has devolved into something prohibitively expensive and stressful. Every aspect of the Disney experience must be premeditated and scheduled to maximize its declining worth. But despite the backlash, the problem isn’t getting better. On Wednesday, October 12, the LA Times reported that Disneyland raised its single-day ticket rate by 9%. Put another way: until October 11, a single ticket on a peak day cost $164. Today (November 2022), that same ticket costs $179. … By contrast, a peak ticket to SeaWorld costs $84.99. A peak ticket to Universal Studios Hollywood costs $134. Those other theme parks aren’t Disney, of course.”

These 84-Year-Old Nazi Photos Paint a Harrowing Picture of Kristallnacht (Mili)

The author writes, “On November 9 and 10, 1938, Nazis wreaked havoc on thousands of Jewish-owned businesses, homes and synagogues throughout Germany and Austria. Mobs attacked Jewish families, looted and vandalized shops and torched buildings. Some 30,000 Jewish men were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. In the end, more than 90 Jews were killed during the pogroms, which took place nearly a year before the start of World War II and became known as Kristallnacht, or the ‘Night of Broken Glass.’ Last week, Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial museum, shared a series of striking photos from the attacks, bringing renewed awareness to the horrific massacre in remembrance of its 84th anniversary.”

Which Grains You Eat Can Impact Your Risk of Getting Heart Disease Earlier (Mili)

The author writes, “A recent study to examine the relationship between different types of grain intake and premature coronary artery disease in the Middle East, researchers found a higher intake of refined grain was associated with an increased risk of premature coronary artery disease in an Iranian population, while eating whole grains was associated with reduced risk.”

TSA ‘Shocked’ to Find Cat Stowed Away in Checked Bag (Dana)

The author writes, “The Transportation Security Administration has found some weird things in passengers’ luggage — including eels, a human skull, and a cannon barrel. But a recent find during baggage screening at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York caught TSA agents by surprise when it turned out to be furry, orange, and alive. A ginger kitty stowed away in a bag checked at the airport. The sneaky feline was discovered when it went through an X-ray unit. TSA spokesperson Lisa Farbstein said it ‘shocked’ the officer who found it. A photo from the incident shows a close-up view of the zipper on the bag with a telltale tuft of orange fur sticking out.”

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