New Zealand PM to UN: Climate Crisis, Terrorism Have No Borders - WhoWhatWhy New Zealand PM to UN: Climate Crisis, Terrorism Have No Borders - WhoWhatWhy

Kaiser Reaches Deal With 80,000 Workers ; Troops Warned About Possible 'Joker' Violence ; and More Picks 9/25

New Zealand PM to UN: Climate Crisis, Terrorism Have No Borders

Kaiser Reaches Deal With 80,000 Workers ; Troops Warned About Possible 'Joker' Violence ; and More Picks

Kaiser Reaches Deal With 80,000 Workers ; Troops Warned About Possible 'Joker' Violence ; and More Picks 9/25

Kaiser Reaches Deal With 80,000 Workers, Averts October Strike (Chris)

From Courthouse News: “Two days of negotiations have yielded a tentative agreement between Kaiser Permanente and 80,000 of its union workers, staving off a nationwide strike set for Oct. 14.”

US Military Issues Warning to Troops About Incel Violence at ‘Joker’ Screenings (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “The Army said it became aware of potential threats after receiving a bulletin from the FBI, but that it was unaware of any specific plots or suspects. The notice, which was marked ‘For Official Use Only,’ was relayed purely as a precautionary measure, it said. A separate memo, issued on Monday by senior officials in the U.S. Army’s criminal investigation division, stated that the Army had obtained ‘credible’ intelligence from Texas law enforcement officials pertaining to ‘disturbing and very specific chatter’ on the dark web ‘regarding the targeting of an unknown movie theater during the release.’”

How Restoring Old-Growth Forest in WA Could Help Fight Climate Change (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Environmental DNA, a monitoring technique developed about a decade ago, is growing ‘exponentially’ in use, said Katherine Strickler, a research scientist and instructor at Washington State University. It  allows scientists to catalog entire communities, or ‘the richness of life in a given spot,’ said [Michael] Case, [a] forest ecologist.”

Spain Is Offering Citizenship to Sephardic Jews (Mili)

The author writes, “When the 2015 law was approved, Spain’s justice minister, Rafael Catalá, declared, ‘Today we have approved a law that reopens the door for all descendants of those who were unjustly expelled. This law says much about who we were in the past, who we are today, and what we want to be in the future: a Spain that is open, diverse, and tolerant.’”

The Grown Men Scared of a 16-Year-Old Girl (Chris)

From Mel: “What you see in the men attempting to shout down Greta Thunberg on any grounds but her actual project is the powerlessness of grown-up bullshit in the face of teenage ire. They have no answer to her questions because the unraveling status quo they seek to protect hasn’t produced one. Therefore they have one option: Destroy the messenger.”


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