Microplastics Are in Our Bodies. How Much Can They Harm Us? - WhoWhatWhy Microplastics Are in Our Bodies. How Much Can They Harm Us? - WhoWhatWhy

microplastics, human body, pollution, potential health effects

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to picks@whowhatwhy.org.


Microplastics Are in Our Bodies. How Much Can They Harm Us? (Maria)

The author writes, “As plastic waste proliferates around the world, an essential question remains unanswered: What harm, if any, does it cause to human health? A few years ago, as microplastics began turning up in the guts of fish and shellfish, the concern was focused on the safety of seafood. … Shellfish were a particular worry, because in their case, unlike fish, we eat the entire animal — stomach, microplastics and all. In 2017, Belgian scientists announced that seafood lovers could consume up to 11,000 plastic particles a year by eating mussels, a favorite dish in that country.”

Collectives Protest Against Femicides in Mexico (Carina)

The author writes, “Hundreds of women marched through downtown Mexico City and its suburbs on Sunday to protest the murder of an 18-year-old woman in the northern city of Monterrey and demand the attorney general’s office conduct a proper investigation into the death. The body of Debanhi Escobar was found Thursday in a cistern at a motel, almost two weeks after she had gone missing. The demonstrators, mainly women, carried signs reading ‘No to Harassment’ and ‘Mexico is a mass grave’ and attempted to call attention to the women who have been killed, including Escobar, and those who remain missing. In Mexico City, the march was largely peaceful, unlike many previous women’s rights demonstrations in recent years.”

John Fetterman vs. Every Predatory Financier in America (DonkeyHotey)

From The American Prospect: “On the Democratic side, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman has enjoyed a sizable lead over Congressman Conor Lamb in all available polling. On the Republican side, financier and Bridgewater CEO and hedge fund manager David McCormick looks to have a narrower lead over Mehmet Oz, best known for his role as a daytime TV talk show doctor, who is also endorsed by Donald Trump. Fetterman is running as a clear economic populist, with a rough-cut persona and a towering 6’8” frame to match. Long a champion of a $15 minimum wage and Medicare for All, Fetterman has built a reputation in Pennsylvania criticizing the excesses of financial capitalism and its role in hollowing out places like Braddock, Pennsylvania, the deindustrialized town that chose him as their mayor in 2005. Frequently, he’s called on the super rich to pay more in taxes—he wants to end the carried interest loophole, which allows hedge fund managers to get away with near-zero tax rates, and has endorsed policies ensuring that millionaires pay no less than 30 percent of their income in taxes and ending inversions and offshore subsidiaries.”

Two Stunt Pilots Attempt First-Ever Skydive Plane Swap. It Didn’t Go as Planned (Reader Jim)

From Today: “Red Bull conducted a stunt that involved a pair of pilots attempting to skydive into each other’s aircraft mid-flight, and they are now facing a federal investigation after it went awry over the Arizona desert on Sunday. Pilot Andy Farrington, 42, and his cousin, Luke Aikins, 48, were each piloting a Cessna prop plane flying at 12,000 feet in what was billed as the first midair “plane swap,” which was being livestreamed on Hulu. One of the planes went into a flat spin after the pilots sky-dived in an attempt to jump into each other’s planes. Farrington deployed his parachute while falling 140 miles an hour, while Aikins remarkably did make it to Farrington’s plane and took over the controls.”

Election Cops to Hit the Beat in Florida. Will Other States Follow? (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a bill to create a police force dedicated to pursuing voter fraud and other election crimes. The Republican governor signed the bill into law Monday. The law creates an Office of Election Crimes and Security under the Florida Department of State to review fraud allegations and conduct preliminary investigations. DeSantis is required to appoint a group of special officers from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement who would be tasked with pursuing the election law violations. Voter fraud is rare, typically occurs in isolated instances and is generally detected. The push to crack down on election related crimes comes as former President Donald Trump, the standard bearer in the Republican Party, continues to mislead the public about the results of the election he lost in 2020.”

Adding Key Foods to a Diet Will Help Restore Gut Health (Sean)

From UW Medicine: “When it comes to gut health, putting the right foods into your diet might be as important as what you leave out, according to Dr. Chris Damman, a UW Medicine gastroenterologist. ‘What you take out might be starving your gut microbiome,’ said Damman, referring to the trillions of bacteria and fungi that live in one’s gut. ‘People focus on the nutrients their body needs when they eat, but they don’t focus so much on the nutrients their microbiome needs.’ Damman has studied the microbiome and its effects on health for 20 years. His focus has been on microbiome’s role as a protector against inflammatory bowel disease and metabolic disease as well as infectious diarrhea and malnutrition. At the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he led an Initiative that developed several therapies to treat malnutrition. Most dietary advice focuses on lists of what to avoid: sugars, saturated fats, salts and processed foods. While this information is important, Damman said, ‘this approach can take one only so far to health.’”

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