Mar 30 - WhoWhatWhy Mar 30 - WhoWhatWhy

ICE drug arrest
Today is the 55th anniversary of the signing of the The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. This is one of a trio of treaties that require countries to criminalize the production, distribution and consumption of various drugs. These treaties contribute to the ineffective drug policies practiced in the United States. There is a UN meeting in April to discuss ways to improve global drug policy. About this photo: ICE Operation Foxhound nets 47 arrests for drug trafficking, firearms violations, money laundering  Photo Credit:

Mar 30

Boston Police Broaden Definition of Terrorism, What’s Destroying the Ocean Reefs, Program to Stop Young Terrorists is Working, and More Picks

Boston Police Broaden Definition of Terrorism, What’s Destroying the Ocean Reefs, Program to Stop Young Terrorists is Working, and More Picks

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El Niño is Devastating Reefs All Over the World (Milicent)

It has already killed parts of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Loss of the coral reefs indirectly threatens the food chain, causes a loss to biodiversity, and affects the 500 million people worldwide who rely on reefs for their livelihoods. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, director of the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland, said the world is on course to lose coral reefs entirely by 2040. “This is not in the future, it’s happening right now.”

‘Animal Rights and Environmental Extremists’ Listed Amongst ‘Al-Qaida’ and ‘ISIS’ in Boston Police Bulletin (Reader Pat)

Another example of ‘conflating dissent with terrorism’.

Trump Seems to Be in Bed with the National Enquirer (Klaus)

The article on the alleged infidelity of Ted Cruz is not the first time the National Enquirer has gone after a Republican candidate this election cycle. But Donald Trump has not only escaped any sensationalist headlines, he has been showered with praise by the tabloid.

Clinton Demands Sanders ‘Tone Down’ Campaign Rhetoric (Trevin)

The latest strategy implemented by the Clinton team is to change the meaning of “negative ads” from personal attacks to those highlighting differences in policy between the two candidates. By this definition, almost anything Sanders says would break his promise of not running a negative campaign, which is exactly what Hillary is saying he has done.

Trump and Wall Street’s Not So Distant Relationship (Dan)

While Donald may be funding his own campaign and thus not beholden to special interests, one has to wonder who provides the money for the real estate mogul’s mortgages and massive real estate projects.

Program to Stop Young Muslims From Becoming Terrorists is Working  (Milicent)

Between 2012 and 2014, Vilvoorde, Belgium seems to have produced more jihadi than anywhere else in western Europe. Then something amazing happened. In 2014, the local government created a jihadi prevention program for youths at risk. Most come from broken homes, are unemployed, and have no stake in life. Many have also been subjected to abuse by police. In contrast, the prevention program involves showering these potential recruits with kindness, by social workers, health professionals, religious leaders, those who can offer housing or jobs, etc. And the police are now listening to their grievances. So far, no more have been recruited since 2014. At least not from Vilvoorde.

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