Making Oil Is More Profitable Than Saving the Planet. Numbers Tell the Story. - WhoWhatWhy Making Oil Is More Profitable Than Saving the Planet. Numbers Tell the Story. - WhoWhatWhy

climate crisis, green energy, Exxon Mobil, solar power, COP28, profits
Photo credit: David Ingram / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED)

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Making Oil Is More Profitable Than Saving the Planet. Numbers Tell the Story. (Maria)

The author writes, “Oil companies have long been under pressure to invest more money in renewable energy to help fight climate change. Here’s one simple reason why that’s not happening: Right now, oil makes a lot more money. Energy companies spend a lot of money every year. Picture a giant Scrooge McDuck-style mountain of cash, to the tune of $800 billion. According to the International Energy Agency, the oil industry would need to spend 50% of that on clean energy by 2030 to be on track to meet global climate targets. But right now, oil companies are spending just 2.5% of their capital, collectively, on green power.”

From North to South, Nowhere Safe in Gaza as 700 Killed in 24 Hours (Mili)

The author writes, “Israel’s war on Gaza is escalating, leaving death and devastation across the besieged strip. At least 700 Palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours — one of the highest daily death tolls since the war began on October 7. From the north to the south, Palestinians in Gaza say nowhere is safe.”

Federal Judge Prohibits Separating Migrant Families at US Border for 8 Years (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “A federal judge on Friday prohibited the separation of families at the border for purposes of deterring immigration for eight years, preemptively blocking resumption of a lightning-rod, Trump-era policy that the former president hasn’t ruled out if voters return him to the White House next year.”

PODCAST: How Media Fueled a Shoplifting Panic, and an AI-Journalism Experiment Gone Wrong (DonkeyHotey)

From On the Media: “This holiday season, media outlets across the country are raising the alarm about an apparent crisis in retail crime. On this week’s On the Media, how the data about shoplifting don’t back up the alarmist coverage. Plus, the cost and consequences of media outlets turning to AI to generate stories.”

Farmers Are Leaving Animals to Die During Natural Disasters — and Getting Paid for It (Laura)

From Sentient Media: “In the U.S., Canada and the UK, there are no laws requiring farm animals to be relocated before disaster strikes. It’s just too expensive, say the agricultural economists who spoke with Sentient Media. And even though a new bill pending before Congress could change the incentive structure, it’s not clear whether the outcome would be better.”

Sweden Opens State-of-the-Art Plant for Sorting Plastics for Recycling (Russ)

The author writes, “A new plastics sorting facility inaugurated in Sweden [last month] is being billed as the largest of its kind, and one designed to double the amount of plastic packaging materials being recycled in the Nordic country. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, the Site Zero plant in the central city of Motala can sort up to 200,000 tons of plastic packaging a year, according to Sweden Plastic Recycling, a non-profit company co-owned by Swedish plastics, food and trade industry groups. The company says that’s more than any other sorting facility in the world.”

Doomsday Company Seeks ‘Average’ Buyers for Its 575 Bunkers — For $55K Each (Reader Jim)

From the New York Post: “This business is selling apocalypse prep at an affordable price point.  In South Dakota’s Black Hills mountain range, an end times-focused real estate agency of sorts called Vivos is looking to offload hundreds of catastrophe-ready apartments at $55,000 a pop.  Unlike other bunker retailers, they’re not targeting billionaires or Armageddon-obsessives — but basic buyers who are aware that the world is a mess and it’s good to be ready for whatever may come.” 

Woman Sentenced to Fast Food Work After Throwing Burrito at Worker (Dana)

The author writes, “An Ohio woman who hurled food at a Chipotle worker amid a public freakout over her order had her jail time for assault reduced by a judge … in exchange for working at a fast food restaurant. Rosemary Hayne, 39, accepted a Parma judge’s offer after being found guilty of one count of assault following the September incident that was captured in a viral online video.”