Judge Orders Pentagon to Stop Discriminating Against Naturalized Citizen Soldiers - WhoWhatWhy Judge Orders Pentagon to Stop Discriminating Against Naturalized Citizen Soldiers - WhoWhatWhy

PG&E's Reckoning ; Tales From the Cryptos ; Why Can't Rich People Save Winter? ...and More Picks 2/5

Judge Orders Pentagon to Stop Discriminating Against Naturalized Citizen Soldiers

PG&E's Reckoning ; Tales From the Cryptos ; Why Can't Rich People Save Winter? ...and More Picks

PG&E's Reckoning ; Tales From the Cryptos ; Why Can't Rich People Save Winter? ...and More Picks 2/5

US-India Relations Strained After Indian Students Detained in ICE Sting (Dan)

In an effort to “expose immigration fraud,” the Department of Homeland Security created a fake university to lure international students to apply. India’s foreign ministry said “several students” have been detained. DHS has yet to release their nationalities.

PG&E’s Reckoning on Multiple Fronts (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “It’s a special kind of company that requires the sustained attention of not one but two federal courts. Last week, as the financial wreckage of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. was being examined in one corner of a San Francisco courthouse, its criminal recidivism was under scrutiny in another. The dueling judicial reckonings reflect the depth of PG&E’s mismanagement and malfeasance.”

Tales From the Cryptos (Chris)

The author writes, “blockchain technology is not the problem, per se. The problem is that, just as in the past, mainlanders are showing up to use Puerto Rico as their personal laboratory. They leave as soon as their experiments are concluded, without having invested more broadly in the people and land as a whole; also without … having contributed the bare minimum in taxes to the territory’s treasury.”

Why Can’t Rich People Save Winter? (Rebecca)

The author writes, “Ski season is shrinking. Yet the people who love the sport aren’t doing enough to stop climate change.”

Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Woman Defies Rabbis and Runs Left (Russ)

From the New York Times: “[Michal Zernowitski] explains … that a ‘revolution’ is underway among the ultra-Orthodox: The ‘new Haredim,’ as she calls them — younger, worldlier people who use smartphones and commute to diverse workplaces in the big cities — are hungry for change, dying to engage with and be embraced by broader Israeli society, and ready like never before to break ranks at the ballot box.”