JetBlue to Power Some Flights Using 'Sustainable' Jet Fuel - WhoWhatWhy JetBlue to Power Some Flights Using 'Sustainable' Jet Fuel - WhoWhatWhy

The Sad Truth About Our Boldest Climate Target ; Indonesia Awash With Disinformation Following Disasters ; and More Picks 1/8

JetBlue to Power Some Flights Using ‘Sustainable’ Jet Fuel

The Sad Truth About Our Boldest Climate Target ; Indonesia Awash With Disinformation Following Disasters ; and More Picks

The Sad Truth About Our Boldest Climate Target ; Indonesia Awash With Disinformation Following Disasters ; and More Picks 1/8

The Sad Truth About Our Boldest Climate Target (Mili)

From Vox: “Given the scale of the challenge and the compressed time to act, there is effectively no practical danger of anyone, at any level, doing too much or acting too quickly. The moral imperative for the remainder of the lives of everyone now living is to decarbonize as fast as possible.”

Experts: Under US Healthcare System, Each Family Basically Pays an $8,000 ‘Poll Tax’ (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “The U.S. health-care system is the most expensive in the world, costing about $1 trillion more per year than the next-most-expensive system — Switzerland’s. That means U.S. households pay an extra $8,000 per year, compared with what Swiss families pay.  [Princeton University economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton] call this extra cost a ‘poll tax,’ meaning it is levied on every individual regardless of their ability to pay. (‘Polle’ was an archaic German word for ‘head,’ so the idea behind a poll tax is that it falls on every head.)”

Indonesia Awash With Disinformation Following Disasters (Chris)

From the Jakarta Post: “As natural disasters continue to affect the lives of Indonesians, the importance of equipping them and the responding agencies with tools to navigate the increasingly complex digital climate is more crucial now than ever.” 

Did Britain Meddle in a US Presidential Election? (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “[On] 6 December 1992, [John] Major wrote a letter of apology to the US president-elect. According to a copy of the correspondence, declassified only last year by the UK National Archives, the British premier said he was ‘disturbed by reports which have appeared about enquiries by our Home Office relating back to your time at Oxford.’”

Restart the Presses: California’s Oldest Weekly Newspaper Saved (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Carl Butz, a fourth-generation native Californian, is taking over the Mountain Messenger, which is based out of his hometown of Downieville.”



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