Is It Time to Break Up Facebook, Google, and Other Behemoths? - WhoWhatWhy Is It Time to Break Up Facebook, Google, and Other Behemoths? - WhoWhatWhy

Age Discrimination Is More Common Than You Think; Court: Politicians Who Block Citizens on Social Media Violate 1st Amendment ...and More Picks 1/8

Is It Time to Break Up Facebook, Google, and Other Behemoths?

Age Discrimination Is More Common Than You Think; Court: Politicians Who Block Citizens on Social Media Violate 1st Amendment ...and More Picks

Age Discrimination Is More Common Than You Think; Court: Politicians Who Block Citizens on Social Media Violate 1st Amendment ...and More Picks 1/8

Age Discrimination Is More Common Than You Think. Why Aren’t We Doing Anything About It? (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The researchers behind the report found a majority of workers over the age of 50 are likely at some point to be shoved out of their jobs, either via an overt firing or resignation under pressure of demotions, loss of future benefits or deteriorating work conditions. The damage to their bottom line is often permanent.”

Colorado Could Save $2.5 Billion by Rapidly Shutting Down Its Coal Power Plants (Jimmy)

From Vox: “In the Centennial State, greener and cheaper are one and the same.

See No Evil: Pentagon Issues Blanket Denial That It Knows Anything About Detainee Abuse in Yemen (Reader Luke)

From the Intercept: “A UN panel found that detainees in prisons controlled by US allies were beaten, electrocuted, hung upside down, and raped.”

Memo to Conservatives: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Understands Taxes Better Than You Do (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “It’s proper to place Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal in historical context. There’s nothing especially radical or ‘socialist’ about it. In fact, it’s pretty conservative.”

Court: Politicians Who Block Citizens on Social Media Violate 1st Amendment (Jimmy)

The author writes, “A federal appeals court in Virginia ruled unanimously Monday that a county official who blocked a citizen from accessing her official Facebook page is in violation of the First Amendment.”

Top Cancer Doctor, Forced Out Over Ties to Drug Makers, Joins Their Ranks (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “Dr. José Baselga, who resigned his position as the top doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center after failing to disclose millions of dollars in payments from drug companies, is now going to work for one of them.”