How Global Warming Has Made the Rich Richer - WhoWhatWhy How Global Warming Has Made the Rich Richer - WhoWhatWhy

Trump Could Redefine Poverty ; The Newest Cruel and Unusual Punishment in Alabama ; and More Picks 5/7

How Global Warming Has Made the Rich Richer

Trump Could Redefine Poverty ; The Newest Cruel and Unusual Punishment in Alabama ; and More Picks

Trump Could Redefine Poverty ; The Newest Cruel and Unusual Punishment in Alabama ; and More Picks 5/7

Mike Pompeo Praises Climate Change in the Arctic as ‘New Opportunities for Trade’ (DonkeyHotey)

From the Observer: “‘Steady reductions in sea ice are opening new passageways and new opportunities for trade,’” Pompeo told the [Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Finland]. ‘This could potentially slash the time it takes to travel between Asia and the West by as much as 20 days. Arctic sea lanes could come before — could come [sic] the 21st century Suez and Panama Canals.’”

Trump May Redefine Poverty, Cutting Americans From Welfare Rolls (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The possible move would involve changing how inflation is calculated in the ‘official poverty measure,’ the White House Office of Management and Budget said in a regulatory filing on Monday. The formula has been used for decades to determine whether people qualify for certain federal programs and benefits.”

People in Alabama Prisons Are Shackled to Buckets for Days on End (Chris)

From Truthout: “[Christopher] Caldwell was bound to [a] bucket in a cell without running water for five days. His pleas for help were either ignored by guards, or met with mace threats. Another confined individual subjected to the … practice, Daniel Bolden (AIS #254848), said that his memories of eating like a dog (due to constrained hands) are etched into his mind. Unable to shower, he was forced to lie near and in his own feces and urine.”

Alexa Has Been Eavesdropping on You This Whole Time (Russ)

The author writes, “Alexa keeps a record of what it hears every time an Echo speaker activates. It’s supposed to record only with a ‘wake word’ — ‘Alexa!’ — but anyone with one of these devices knows they go rogue. I counted dozens of times when mine recorded without a legitimate prompt.”

AirPods Are a Tragedy (Tom)

From Vice: “Thousands of years in the future, if human life or sentient beings exist on earth, maybe archaeologists will find AirPods in the forgotten corners of homes. They’ll probably wonder why they were ever made, and why so many people bought them. But we can also ask ourselves those same questions right now.”