House Panel Allots $50M to Study Gun Violence - WhoWhatWhy House Panel Allots $50M to Study Gun Violence - WhoWhatWhy

The Global Antibiotics Crisis ; Indonesia Considers Moving Its Capital ; and More Picks 5/1

House Panel Allots $50M to Study Gun Violence

The Global Antibiotics Crisis ; Indonesia Considers Moving Its Capital ; and More Picks

The Global Antibiotics Crisis ; Indonesia Considers Moving Its Capital ; and More Picks 5/1

House Intel Committee Sends Criminal Referral on Erik Prince to DOJ (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “The House Permanent Select on Intelligence formally referred Erik Prince to the Department of Justice for consideration of a potential criminal prosecution for false testimony that Prince provided to the Committee in 2017 as part of its investigation into Russian interference in the U.S. political process. The report of the Special Counsel strongly indicates that Prince’s testimony before the Committee was materially false.”

Our Antibiotics Are No Match for Superbugs, and It’s a ‘Global Crisis’ (Mili)

The author writes, “Common diseases such as tuberculosis are becoming untreatable while lifesaving medical procedures like surgeries carry increasing risks because of ‘alarming levels’ of resistance to antimicrobial drugs, according to a new United Nations committee report. Resistance to antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiprotozoals … has been seen in countries of all income levels.”

Indonesia Wants to Move the Capital From Sinking Jakarta (Chris)

The author writes, “A precise site for the new capital has not been chosen, but it will not be on Java, the island where Jakarta is located. The most likely destination is Palangkaraya, the capital of the province of Central Kalimantan, part of the Indonesian portion of Borneo.”

Rebecca Solnit: Unconscious Bias Is Running for President (Gerry)

From Literary Hub: “Unconscious bias has always been in the race, and Unconscious Bias’s best buddy, Institutional Discrimination, has always helped him along, and as a result all of our presidents have been men and all but one white, and that was not even questionable until lately. This makes who ‘seems presidential’ a tautological ouroboros chomping hard on its own tail.”

Lost Year-Old Sea Lion Rescued From Highway 101 in South San Francisco (Reader Steve)

From the San Francisco Chronicle: “A Highway Patrol officer opened the door to his patrol car and the sea lion ‘willingly jumped right into the back seat.’”

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