House Lawmakers Condemn Big Tech’s ‘Monopoly Power’ and Urge Breakups - WhoWhatWhy House Lawmakers Condemn Big Tech’s ‘Monopoly Power’ and Urge Breakups - WhoWhatWhy

Big tech, House report, antitrust law
The authors write, “House lawmakers who spent the last 16 months investigating the practices of the world’s largest technology companies said on Tuesday that Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google had exercised and abused their monopoly power, and called for the most sweeping changes to antitrust laws in half a century.” Photo credit: Austin Community College / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

L.A. County Ballots Missing One Thing: A Way to Vote for President ; The Radical Plan to Save the Fastest Sinking City in the World ; and More Picks 10/8

Some 2,100 L.A. County Ballots Missing One Thing: A Way to Vote for President (Reader Steve)

From the Los Angeles Times: “More than 2,000 Los Angeles County voters got mail-in ballots with a very egregious flaw: no way to vote for U.S. president. The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s office confirmed late Monday that about 2,100 ‘faulty ballots’ were mailed earlier that day to residents in the Woodland Hills area. The botched effort was part of a campaign to mail 21 million ballots to registered California voters. About 5.6 million of those voters are in L.A. County. State law mandates that absentee ballots be mailed 29 days ahead of the Nov. 3 election.”

COVID-19 Will Push Millions in Middle-Income Nations Into Poverty, World Bank Warns (Dana)

From the Financial Times: “The economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic will change the profile of global poverty by creating millions of ‘new poor’ who are relatively well-educated in urban areas of middle-income countries, the World Bank has warned. Overall, the pandemic will push between 88m and 115m people into extreme poverty this year, which the bank defines as living on less than $1.90 a day, according to a report it published on Wednesday. According to the report, more than 80 percent of those who will fall into extreme poverty this year are in middle-income countries, with south Asia the worst-hit region, followed by sub-Saharan Africa.”

Undocumented Trump Workers Paid Thousands in Income Tax While President Worked the System (Dan)

The author writes, “A wave of emotions washed over Jesus Lira when he found out that President Trump has only paid a few hundred dollars in federal income taxes since the early 2000s. ‘It was a little bit of everything — angry, sad, confused,’ said Lira, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico who used to work as a cook at Trump’s Westchester County golf club. … Outraged by the bombshell report, Lira and three other undocumented ex-Trump Organization workers provided the Daily News with records this week showing that they paid tens of thousands of dollars in federal income taxes while working for the president — despite their immigration status.”

When Police Dogs Bite (Mili)

The author writes, “Police dogs are often portrayed as harmless, loveable members of the local police. But many departments across the country use dogs as weapons, training the animals to bite thousands of people every year, causing serious and even fatal injuries. A new investigation … exposes the widespread use — and abuse — of dogs in police departments across the U.S.”

The Radical Plan to Save the Fastest Sinking City in the World (Dana)

The author writes, “Jakarta is sinking into the sea. In 2030, it will be the world’s most populous city, surpassing Tokyo, but just two decades later — in 2050 — it will also probably be largely under water. Already, at least 20% of the city sags below sea level.”