Heat-Trapping Carbon Dioxide in Air Hits Record High - WhoWhatWhy Heat-Trapping Carbon Dioxide in Air Hits Record High - WhoWhatWhy

Where Breonna Taylor's Case Stands ; The Story Behind Bill Barr’s Unmarked Federal Agents ; and More Picks 6/5

Heat-Trapping Carbon Dioxide in Air Hits Record High

Where Breonna Taylor's Case Stands ; The Story Behind Bill Barr’s Unmarked Federal Agents ; and More Picks

Where Breonna Taylor's Case Stands ; The Story Behind Bill Barr’s Unmarked Federal Agents ; and More Picks 6/5

Breonna Taylor Would Have Been 27 Today. Here’s Where Her Case Stands. (Dana)

The author writes, “Taylor’s life and death have become folded into the larger worldwide outcry against police violence that exploded after the death of George Floyd in late May. Some worry the young black EMT, who was described as ‘full of life’ and ‘a best friend to so many,’ is being forgotten.”

Amadou Diallo’s Killing Resulted in a Big Change to the NYPD — but What Happened to the Cops Who Shot Him? (Chris C.)

From Oxygen: “One of the officers involved in Amadou Diallo’s shooting in 1999 remained on the force until 2019.”

The Story Behind Bill Barr’s Unmarked Federal Agents (Dan)

From Politico: “To understand the police forces ringing Trump and the White House it helps to understand the dense and not-entirely-sensical thicket of agencies that make up the nation’s civilian federal law enforcement. With little public attention, notice and amid historically lax oversight, those ranks have surged since 9/11 — growing by roughly 2,500 officers annually every year since 2000. To put it another way: Every year since the 2001 terrorist attacks, the federal government has added to its policing ranks a force larger than the entire Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.”

COVID-19 Can Last for Several Months (Bethany)

The author writes, “About 80 percent of infections, according to the World Health Organization, ‘are mild or asymptomatic,’ and patients recover after two weeks, on average. Yet support groups on Slack and Facebook host thousands of people … who say they have been wrestling with serious COVID-19 symptoms for at least a month, if not two or three.”

Underwater ‘Ghost Village’ Frozen in Time Set to Resurface (Dana)

The author writes, “The beautiful village was … ‘lost forever’ when it was flooded to create the artificially made Lake Vagli … Since the dam’s construction, the lake has been emptied only four times for maintenance work. And each time, as the water is drained away, the haunting outline of the village begins to slowly emerge.”