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Climate Exodus Is Starting in the Florida Keys ; 'I Love America' Facebook Page Is Run by Ukrainians ; and More Picks 9/24

Gun Buyback Talk: How Do You Round Up So Many Weapons?

Climate Exodus Is Starting in the Florida Keys ; 'I Love America' Facebook Page Is Run by Ukrainians ; and More Picks

Climate Exodus Is Starting in the Florida Keys ; 'I Love America' Facebook Page Is Run by Ukrainians ; and More Picks 9/24

America’s Great Climate Exodus Is Starting in the Florida Keys (Mili)

The author writes, “Lori Rittel is stuck in her Florida Keys home, living in the wreckage left by Hurricane Irma two years ago, unable to rebuild or repair. Now her best hope for escape is to sell the little white bungalow to the government to knock down. Her bedroom is still a no-go zone so she sleeps in the living room with her cat and three dogs. She just installed a sink in the bathroom, which is missing a wall, so she can wash her dishes inside the house now. Weather reports make her nervous. ‘I just want to sell this piece of junk and get the hell out,’ she said.” 

The Methane Detectives: On the Trail of a Global Warming Mystery (Chris)

From Undark: “The amount of heat-trapping methane in the atmosphere seemed to be leveling off when, in 2007, it began rising again quickly. Nobody yet knows why.”

Massive Pro-Trump ‘I Love America’ Facebook Page Is Run by Ukrainians (Chris)

The author writes, “The ‘I Love America’ page is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a complex network of Facebook pages, all managed by people in Ukraine, that collect large audiences by posting memes about patriotism, Jesus, and cute dogs. These pages are now being used to funnel large audiences to pro-Trump propaganda.”

China Scores Businesses, and Low Grades Could Be a Trade-War Weapon 

From the New York Times: “Beijing hopes its social credit system will quickly punish companies accused of wrongdoing. U.S. firms could get hit, too.”

She Left a Can of Dry Shampoo in Her Car. It Blasted a Hole Through the Roof. (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Christine Bader Debrecht’s daughter bought a used 2018 Honda Civic with fewer than 5,000 miles on it in June. It was the first car the 19-year-old ever bought. The St. Peters, Missouri, teen saved money from her grocery store job and a gift she received from her late grandmother to make her down payment. She had no idea that an aerosol can of dry shampoo would destroy it.”


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