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Who Pays for Climate Damages? ; The Declassified Life of Luis Kutner ; and More Picks 5/8

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Who Pays for Climate Damages? ; The Declassified Life of Luis Kutner ; and More Picks

Who Pays for Climate Damages? ; The Declassified Life of Luis Kutner ; and More Picks 5/8

Cell Phone Video Reignites Sandra Bland Case (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “News about Bland’s video raised questions about who had seen it, why it wasn’t publicly released and whether it was properly disclosed to attorneys.”

Who Pays for Climate Damages? Big Oil Doesn’t Want To (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Right now, taxpayers bear the costs for crisis response and climate ‘adaptation,’ while victims pay with their homes, their health and their lives. Should fossil-fuel companies receive immunity from these costs?”

Corporate News Outlets Continue — Sloppily — to Support ‘Coup’ in Venezuela (Gerry)

From FAIR: “After days of breathless reporting in the US media about public and military support for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro collapsing, and about an April 30 coup by presidential poseur Juan Guaidó, we now know the truth: The whole thing was a fraud, staged at the instigation of Washington in hopes that the Venezuelan people and rank-and-file troops would fall for the trick and think an actual coup was underway. We also know … that the US mainstream media and its reporters in country were promoting that dangerous fraud.”

Case Alleging Missing Electronic Votes Argued at Georgia Supreme Court (Chris)

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Plaintiffs asked the state’s highest court to revive their case challenging the results of the race between Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan and Democrat Sarah Riggs Amico. They want to pry open Georgia’s electronic voting machines to find out whether computer errors or election tampering explain a stark dropoff in votes in that contest.”

Luis Kutner: The Declassified Life of a Human Rights Icon (Chris)

The author writes, “Kutner’s career is nothing if not contradictory. He worked with the mafia and with the FBI. He deplored groups who used violent rhetoric, but supported groups engaged in violent actions. He was deeply and publicly enmeshed in the far-right, but was regarded by many as a liberal.”


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