Free Gun Violence Prevention Course Launches to Educate Young Activists - WhoWhatWhy Free Gun Violence Prevention Course Launches to Educate Young Activists - WhoWhatWhy

New Dams Held Off in Costa Rica ; Atmospheric Methane Levels Are on the Rise ; and More Picks 5/17

Free Gun Violence Prevention Course Launches to Educate Young Activists

New Dams Held Off in Costa Rica ; Atmospheric Methane Levels Are on the Rise ; and More Picks

New Dams Held Off in Costa Rica ; Atmospheric Methane Levels Are on the Rise ; and More Picks 5/17

Angry Florida Members of Congress Demand FBI Reveal Hacked Counties (Chris)

From the Orlando Sentinel: “Angry members of the Florida congressional delegation demanded the FBI tell the public which two counties were successfully infiltrated by Russian hackers in 2016 … The members also said it was the two counties who first notified the FBI about the breaches, countering the previous notion that the counties themselves were unaware.”

The Dams That Could Change Costa Rica Forever (Chris)

The author writes, “Dam advocates argue that cheap hydropower will lift poor nations out of poverty and produce crucial carbon-free electrons; opponents point to the destruction of freshwater ecosystems, the methane emissions generated by reservoirs, and the displacement of indigenous communities.”

Atmospheric Methane Levels Are Going Up and No One Knows Why (Mili)

From Wired: “Scientists continue to offer competing hypotheses to explain the global uptick, and there is no shortage of potential suspects. ‘The really fascinating thing about methane,’ says Lori Bruhwiler, a NOAA research scientist, ‘is the fact that almost everything we humans do has an effect on the methane budget, from producing food to producing fuel to disposing of waste.’”

Republican Senators Meet With Jared Kushner on Immigration, Conclude He’s Clueless (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “senators … privately questioned whether he even understood the issue.”

The Peculiar Blindness of Experts (Jeff C.)

In 1980, Malthusian biologist Paul R. Ehrlich and an economics professor made a rather public bet on the ability of advanced societies to sustain in an age of limited resources. The bet was paid, but, ultimately, they both got it wrong.

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