Fertilizer Could Be Used to Power Ships, Report Says - WhoWhatWhy Fertilizer Could Be Used to Power Ships, Report Says - WhoWhatWhy

Uyghur Families: Watched, Judged, Detained ; Could Tobacco Cure Coronavirus? ; and More Picks 2/19

Fertilizer Could Be Used to Power Ships, Report Says

Uyghur Families: Watched, Judged, Detained ; Could Tobacco Cure Coronavirus? ; and More Picks

Uyghur Families: Watched, Judged, Detained ; Could Tobacco Cure Coronavirus? ; and More Picks 2/19

Watched, Judged, Detained (Russ)

From CNN: “Leaked Chinese government records reveal detailed surveillance reports on Uyghur families and Beijing’s justification for mass detentions.”

Police Risking Californians’ Privacy in License Plate Tracking, Audit Finds (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “California law enforcement agencies may not be doing enough to protect the data they collect through license plate-tracking technology that police throughout the state use. State Auditor Elaine Howle released a review Thursday of the Marin County Sheriff’s Office and three other law enforcement agencies that concluded they had ‘risked individuals’ privacy’ by providing indiscriminate access to their collections of millions of images of license plates and not properly ensuring the security of the databases.”

A Republican Plutocrat Tries to Buy the Democratic Nomination (Chris)

From Current Affairs: “Michael Bloomberg should not be discussed seriously as a Democratic presidential contender. He should be a laughingstock. He is a delusional man squandering hundreds of millions of dollars on an ego trip. We should be disgusted at his choice to fritter away money that could do so much good on trying to subvert the democratic process and seize more of what isn’t his.”

Dairy Milk Is Even More Useless Than You Thought (Chris)

The author writes, “The United States Department of Agriculture recommends ‘three servings of reduced-fat milk a day.’ … A new article published in The New England Journal of Medicine by Harvard colleagues David Ludwig and Walter Willett … found that ‘the evidence in support of this long-standing recommendation,’ as Ludwig wrote in an essay summarizing their findings for Elemental, ‘is surprisingly thin.’”

Could Tobacco Cure Coronavirus? Don’t Laugh (Mili) 

From Politico: “The Pentagon’s medical research arm credited the use of tobacco plants in 2012 for the quick development of 10 million doses of flu vaccine.”

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