FCC Chairman Stands by Net Neutrality Repeal After Appeals Court Ruling - WhoWhatWhy FCC Chairman Stands by Net Neutrality Repeal After Appeals Court Ruling - WhoWhatWhy

net neutrality, repeal, FCC, Ajit Pai
The author writes, “Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said on Monday he stands by the agency’s repeal of landmark net neutrality rules, and circulated a proposal to address three issues raised by a US appeals court.” Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

EPA Grants Oklahoma Control Over Tribal Lands ; ‘Murder Hornets’ Invading US Are About to Enter ‘Slaughter Phase’ ; and More Picks 10/6

EPA Grants Oklahoma Control Over Tribal Lands (Dana)

The author writes, “The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted the state of Oklahoma regulatory control over environmental issues on nearly all tribal lands there, TYT has learned. This strips from 38 tribes in Oklahoma their sovereignty over environmental issues. It also establishes a legal and administrative pathway to potential environmental abuses on tribal land, including dumping hazardous chemicals like carcinogenic PCBs and petroleum spills, with no legal recourse by the tribes, according to a former high-level official of the EPA.”

The Sackler Family’s Plan to Keep Its Billions (DonkeyHotey)

From the New Yorker: “The Trump Administration is poised to make a settlement with Purdue Pharma that it can claim as a victory for opioid victims. But the proposed outcome would leave the company’s owners enormously wealthy—and off the hook for good.”

New Method of 3D-Printing Soft Materials Could Jump-Start Creation of Tiny Medical Devices for the Body (Peg)

The author writes, “Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new method of 3D-printing gels and other soft materials. Published in a new paper, it has the potential to create complex structures with nanometer-scale precision. Because many gels are compatible with living cells, the new method could jump-start the production of soft tiny medical devices such as drug delivery systems or flexible electrodes that can be inserted into the human body.”

‘Murder Hornets’ Invading US Are About to Enter ‘Slaughter Phase’ (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Just when you think Asian giant hornets’ reputation couldn’t get any worse, they’re about to enter the ‘slaughter phase’ when they attack in force, decapitate their victims and prey upon the brood for days. Six ‘murder hornets,’ as they’re sometimes called, have been caught, trapped or reported since Sept. 21 in the Blaine area, where they were first spotted in the U.S. last year. The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) is desperate to track down their nest and kill them before they go on their murderous rampage.”

Check Out All the ‘Bad Things Happen in Philadelphia’ Merch After Trump-Biden Debate (Dan)

From PhillyVoice: “As if watching [the] brutal presidential debate were not painful enough, President Donald Trump took a gratuitous shot at Philly while making a false claim about poll watchers. ‘Bad things happen in Philadelphia,’ Trump said. ‘Bad things.’ But unwarranted shoutouts are the moments Philadelphia somehow lives to celebrate. … So within hours of the debate, a cottage industry of ‘Bad Things Happen in Philadelphia’ merchandise flooded the market.”