Facebook Hires Government Watchdogs - WhoWhatWhy Facebook Hires Government Watchdogs - WhoWhatWhy

National Security: Facebook Inc. is making personnel moves in response to concerns about foreign powers using social media to manipulate US elections. According to a report in Bloomberg, Facebook is in the process of hiring specialists with national security clearances to monitor and act on potential threats identified by the government. Photo credit: C_osett / Flickr (Public Domain Mark 1.0)

Facebook Hires Government Watchdogs

Panama Papers Journalist Car Explodes ; Russiagate Extends to Obama Admin ; US Knew About Indonesian Genocide ...and More Picks

Panama Papers Journalist Car Explodes ; Russiagate Extends to Obama Admin ; US New About Indonesian Genocide ...and More Picks 10/18

Investigative Journalist Assassinated (DH)

A Maltese investigative journalist was murdered Monday when her car exploded. Daphne Caruana Galizia was known for her work on the Panama Papers and other aggressive reporting about corruption in Malta.

Spain Tries to Differentiate Between ‘Imprisoned Politicians’ and ‘Political Prisoners’ (Dan)

Two Separatist politicians were jailed this week over their involvement with the independence movement in Catalonia. Pro-Separatists say the arrests are effectively “killing” Catalan independence talks, but government supporters are trying to deflect this negativity by focusing on the detainees’ crimes.

FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama’s Controversial Nuke Deal (Trevin)

Looks like Trump wasn’t the only one lining his pockets “colluding” with Russians.

US Companies Funded ‘Death to America’ Groups (Dan)

According to a recent Washington lawsuit, firms General Electric, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson funded Shiite militia forces connected to Hezbollah.