Editors’ Picks for Feb 10 - WhoWhatWhy Editors’ Picks for Feb 10 - WhoWhatWhy

The Boeing KC-46 Pegasus is an aerial refueling and strategic military transport aircraft. The first deliveries are expected in August of 2017 at a unit cost per jet of $287 million. "The Air Force plans to order a total of 179 tankers to be delivered by 2027, a contract worth an estimated $48.9 billion." By comparison the United States budgeted 53.10 billion dollars for line items under Administration of Justice for 2015. About this photo: A KC-46 conducts in-flight refueling on a B-2 bomber in this illustration. The first KC-46 is expected to fly in 2015. (Air Force illustration) Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force

Editors’ Picks for Feb 10

Now Even a Bush is Against Citizens United, Iran is Not Convinced on Voting Machines, New Hampshire Students Turned Away at the Voting Booth, and More Picks

Now Even a Bush is Against Citizens United, Iran is Not Convinced on Voting Machines, New Hampshire Students Turned Away at the Voting Booth, and More Picks

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to picks@whowhatwhy.org.

Now Even Jeb is Against Corporate Money Dominance (Russ)

Jeb says he would undo Citizens United decision if he could.

IRS Grants Nonprofit Status to ‘Dark Money’ Group Founded by Karl Rove (Trevin)

In 2012, Rove’s Crossroads GPS reported spending nearly two times the amount on political ads than the Kochs’ Americans for Prosperity. Nonprofit status means the donor list remains private.

Iran Won’t Be Using Voting Machine (Klaus)

Iran, often portrayed in the US as some sort of anti-democracy, will not be using voting machines in its upcoming elections because the security of the device could not be guaranteed.

New Hampshire Students Say They Were Illegally Turned Away From the Polls (Trevin)

Poll workers in Plymouth, NH illegally turned away students, not informing them of a recent voter ID law that allows voters without proof of residence to vote by signing an affidavit.

Back to the Future with Obama’s Re-Invasion of Afghanistan (Reader CactusPat)

By the end of February, hundreds of more American troops will be deployed to Afghanistan. Re-deployed, that is. Sent under the strict guidelines to “train, advise, and assist” Afghan government soldiers, US troops have recently been engaged in a ground battle in Helmand. The objective of the re-deployment is to prevent future Taliban gains in the country. Doesn’t this sound eerily familiar?

Iran Wants Oil Payments in Euros, Not Dollars (Reader CactusPat)

With new deals coming in from France, Spain, and Russia, the partially sanctions-free Iran would like all payments to be in the currency of “one of its biggest trading partners[Europe].” At least that is the touted line. The US response should be interesting.

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