Cybersecurity 202: Here Are the Top Things Officials Say They Need to Run November's Elections - WhoWhatWhy Cybersecurity 202: Here Are the Top Things Officials Say They Need to Run November's Elections - WhoWhatWhy

Police Surveilled George Floyd Protests With Help From Dataminr ; The Weird World of Cryonics and the Science of Cheating Death ; and More Picks 7/10

Cybersecurity 202: Here Are the Top Things Officials Say They Need to Run November’s Elections

Police Surveilled George Floyd Protests With Help From Dataminr ; The Weird World of Cryonics and the Science of Cheating Death ; and More Picks

Police Surveilled George Floyd Protests With Help From Dataminr ; The Weird World of Cryonics and the Science of Cheating Death ; and More Picks 7/10

Police Surveilled George Floyd Protests With Help From Twitter-Affiliated Startup Dataminr (Mili)

From the Intercept: “Leveraging close ties to Twitter, controversial artificial intelligence startup Dataminr helped law enforcement digitally monitor the protests that swept the country following the killing of George Floyd, tipping off police to social media posts with the latest whereabouts and actions of demonstrators.”

Ahmaud Arbery Will Not be Erased (Dana)

From Atlanta: “Black people disappear in America. This fact is woven into the fabric of our country. Parents are separated from their children at slave auctions, never to be seen by them again. A loved one is here one day and turns up in the Jim Crow woods the next, dangling from trees under the cover of nightfall and inhumanity.”

George Floyd’s Death Inspires an Unlikely Movement in Indonesia: Papuan Lives Matter (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “In the past month, social media have been awash with the #Papuanlivesmatter hashtag, which has attracted backing from actors, artists and many of Indonesia’s progressive youth. University student groups have organized online seminars with Papuans and human rights activists, sparking conversations that would have never happened in the past. And non-Papuans have taken to the streets calling for change, including in a city better known for its Islamic schools. (Papuans are largely Christian, a religious minority in the predominantly Muslim country.)”

Can Silicon Valley Be Fixed — or Should We Burn It All Down? (Chris C.)

From OneZero: “Alex Kantrowitz and Wendy Liu … square off in an exclusive debate about the future of tech.”

The Weird World of Cryonics and the Science of Cheating Death (Dana)

The author writes, “Linda Chamberlain works just down the hallway from her husband. She walks past him every day. Occasionally she’ll stop by to check in on him and say hello. The only problem is, Fred Chamberlain has been dead for eight years. Shortly after he was pronounced legally dead from prostate cancer, Fred was cryopreserved — his body was filled with a medical-grade antifreeze, cooled to minus 196 degrees Celsius and carefully lowered into a giant vat of liquid nitrogen. So when Linda visits Fred, she talks to him through the insulated, stainless-steel wall of a 10-foot-tall preservation chamber.”


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