Connected Cars Are a ‘Privacy Nightmare:’ Mozilla - WhoWhatWhy Connected Cars Are a ‘Privacy Nightmare:’ Mozilla - WhoWhatWhy

tech, cybersecurity, connected cars, data privacy, Mozilla report
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Connected Cars Are a ‘Privacy Nightmare:’ Mozilla (Maria)

The author writes, “The Mozilla Foundation published its analysis of how well automakers handle the privacy of data collected by their connected cars, and the results will be unlikely to surprise any regular reader of Ars Technica. The researchers were horrified by their findings, stating that ‘cars are the worst product category we have ever reviewed for privacy.’ Mozilla looked at 25 car brands and found that all of them collected too much personal data, and from multiple sources. … Mozilla found plenty more to worry about. Eighty-four percent of the brands they analyzed said they can share your data, and 76 percent said they can sell it.”

‘Stop Cop City’ Activists Hit With RICO Charges by Same Grand Jury That Indicted Trump (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “Georgia prosecutors have filed racketeering charges against 61 people accused of involvement with ‘Stop Cop City,’ a protest movement against a controversial Atlanta police training facility. The charges were filed last week, according to online court records. The list of defendants suggests that the case implicates people who have already been arrested on tenuous evidence, like a legal observer who was jailed while monitoring protests, activists who ran a bail fund for other defendants, and a trio of activists arrested while handing out fliers with the name of a cop who killed a fellow protester.”

Why Wisconsin Republicans Are Talking About Impeaching a New State Supreme Court Justice (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled Legislature is talking about impeaching a newly elected liberal state Supreme Court justice even before she has heard a case. The unprecedented attempt to impeach and remove Justice Janet Protasiewicz from office comes as the court is being asked to throw out legislative electoral maps drawn by the Republican-controlled Legislature in 2011 that cemented the party’s majorities, which now stand at 65-34 in the Assembly and a 22-11 supermajority in the Senate. Here is a closer look at where things stand.”

To Fight the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond,’ Organize a Union (Al)

From Jacobin: “Reactions to Oliver Anthony’s viral hit, ‘Rich Men North of Richmond,’ have played out along drearily predictable culture-war lines. But Billy Bragg’s response, ‘Rich Men Earning North of a Million,’ instructing Anthony to ‘join a union, brother,’ perfectly cuts through the noise.”

The Endless Battle to Banish the World’s Most Notorious Stalker Website (Russ)

The author writes, “The anonymous forum, known as Kiwi Farms, keeps popping back online despite a relentless campaign by transgender activists and a former insider.”

After More Than 100 Years, Gray Wolves Reappear in Giant Sequoia National Monument (Laura)

From the Los Angeles Times: “Biologists are cautiously optimistic that California’s [new] southernmost wolf pack … will adapt to its new environs some 130 miles north of Los Angeles. Yet the sudden appearance of the so-called Tulare Pack is already generating friction among Central Valley livestock owners and the managers of ambitious fuel reduction projects underway in and around areas of Sequoia National Forest and Giant Sequoia National Monument scorched by recent wildfires.”

What Are Dreams For? (Sean)

From The New Yorker: “Converging lines of research suggest that we might be misunderstanding something we do every night of our lives.”