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Trump Comes Up Empty When Pressed for Evidence of Election Fraud ; Millions of Americans Are in Water Debt ; and More Picks 8/21

Trump Comes Up Empty When Pressed for Evidence of Election Fraud ; Millions of Americans Are in Water Debt ; and More Picks 8/21

Trump Comes Up Empty When Pressed for Evidence of Election Fraud in Court (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “President Donald Trump’s campaign, ordered by a federal court judge in Pennsylvania to back up its claims of fraud in the state’s vote-by-mail system, has documented only a handful of cases of election fraud in recent years — none of which involved mail-in ballots. The revelation, which came in the form of a partially redacted 524-page document produced by the Trump campaign last week, undermines the claim by Trump team operatives that mail-in ballot fraud is a grave risk to Pennsylvania voters.”

Millions of Americans Are in Water Debt (Peg)

From Circle of Blue: “Despite being a crucial component of household financial insecurity and water access, water debt is largely unexamined by researchers and policymakers. Less visible but no less important are the financial accounts that underpin the shutoffs. The debt that households accumulate puts them at risk of having their water turned off. Yet debt is a blind spot in the debate about water affordability. Despite being a crucial component of household financial insecurity and water access, water debt is largely unexamined by researchers and policymakers.”

Study Predicts Millions of Unsellable Homes Could Upend Market (Mili)

The author writes, “Millions of American homes could become unsellable — or could be sold at significant losses to their senior-citizen owners — between now and 2040, according to new research from the University of Arizona. The study predicts that many baby boomers and members of Generation X will struggle to sell their homes as they become empty nesters and singles. The problem is that millions of millennials and members of Generation Z may not be able to afford those homes, or they may not want them, opting for smaller homes in walkable communities instead of distant suburbs.”

Exonerated One-Legged Woman Settles Wrongful Conviction Lawsuit (Dana)

The author writes, “For years, Susan King maintained she could not possibly have killed Kyle Breeden and thrown his body into the Kentucky River, in part because she has one leg and no prosthetic. But King spent six years in prison and even though another man eventually confessed to the murder and King’s conviction was overturned, Kentucky State Police maintained there was no wrongdoing on the part of the department. Now, five years after the Spencer County woman filed a wrongful conviction lawsuit against KSP, the case was dismissed in U.S. District Court earlier this month after the department agreed to pay her $750,000 in damages.”

Restaurant in China Apologizes for Suggesting Menu Items Based on Customer Weight (Dana)

From Business Insider: “Chulyan Fried Beef, a popular chain based in Hunan, asked customers to step on scales so that they could weigh themselves before entering the restaurant. Based on their weight, the restaurant recommended a menu of different items. For instance, women weighing around 88 pounds were recommended a signature beef dish and a fish head, while men weighing above 175 pounds were suggested pork belly.”