Chinese Malware Removed From SOHO Routers After FBI Issues Covert Commands - WhoWhatWhy Chinese Malware Removed From SOHO Routers After FBI Issues Covert Commands - WhoWhatWhy

cybersecurity, hackers, China, U.S., infrastructr\ure threat, routers, malware
Photo credit: :Kandukuru Nagarjun / Flickr (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

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Chinese Malware Removed From SOHO Routers After FBI Issues Covert Commands (Maria)

The author writes, “The US Justice Department said Wednesday that the FBI surreptitiously sent commands to hundreds of infected small office and home office routers to remove malware China state-sponsored hackers were using to wage attacks on critical infrastructure. The routers — mainly Cisco and Netgear devices that had reached their end of life — were infected with what’s known as KV Botnet malware, Justice Department officials said. Chinese hackers from a group tracked as Volt Typhoon used the malware to wrangle the routers into a network they could control. … The campaign operators connected to the networks of US critical infrastructure organizations.”

Man Murders His Father While Demanding Rebellion Against ‘Biden Regime’ (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “An eastern Pennsylvania man has been charged with brutally murdering his father and posting a grisly video of himself online. Police said 32-year-old Justin Mohn killed his father, who was a federal employee for 20 years, and then recorded video of himself decapitating the body and posted that on YouTube, where the clip was viewed more than 5,000 times before it was removed.”

Billionaire Jamie Dimon Says the Rich Should Pay More to Fund Tax Cuts for Lower-Income Americans (Reader Jim)

The author writes, “JPMorgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon said that rich people should pay more taxes to help struggling lower-income Americans. Speaking at a panel discussion in Washington with the Bipartisan Policy Center on Friday, Dimon discussed how the high cost of living is leaving some people behind. … Dimon, who has previously hinted that he could run for office, spoke about how the Earned Income Tax Credit or EITC could be expanded. The EITC is a refundable tax credit aimed at reducing some of the tax lower-income Americans have to pay annually. ‘This is like a no-brainer to lift up society, and I would pay for it by taxing the wealthy a little bit more,’ he said.”

Attacks on Press Freedoms Have Chilling Effects Far Beyond Gaza (Dana)

From The Walrus: “The dangers of covering the crisis aren’t limited to front-line reporting. They’re playing out behind the scenes in North American newsrooms too.”

Blinded, Sexually Assaulted, Silenced: The War Over Lithium, Argentina’s ‘White Gold’ (Laura)

From The Guardian: “The first time, they came at 2am and without a warrant. Rosa* was alone. She was gagged, her eyes covered, and her hands bound with a cable tie. ‘I was paralyzed. I felt someone choking me,’ Rosa recalls. … It was the night after widespread protests against sweeping changes to the constitution in Jujuy, a northern Argentine province. The reforms were approved in the early hours behind closed doors, affecting two articles: one limiting the right to demonstrate and the other modifying the right to Indigenous lands, with the undeclared aim of facilitating lithium mining.”

The Broken Promises of the NFL Concussion Settlement (Gerry and Reader Jim)

From The Washington Post: “When Irv Cross applied for money from the NFL concussion settlement in 2018, his dementia was obvious to anyone who spent more than a few minutes with him. At 78, the former NFL player and trailblazing sports broadcaster struggled to speak coherently, forgot to change his clothes, and suffered from urinary incontinence, his wife told doctors. Cross had been diagnosed with dementia by another doctor months before he was evaluated by two NFL settlement doctors, his medical records show. But the settlement doctors concluded they couldn’t diagnose Cross with anything, their reports state. While Cross’s symptoms met the standard definition for dementia in American medicine, they agreed, his test scores didn’t meet the NFL settlement’s definition.”