Australian Fires Set Stage for Irreversible Forest Losses - WhoWhatWhy Australian Fires Set Stage for Irreversible Forest Losses - WhoWhatWhy

Flooding Risks Could Devalue Florida Real Estate ; The Silicon Valley Economy Is a Nightmare ; and More Picks 1/22

Australian Fires Set Stage for Irreversible Forest Losses

Flooding Risks Could Devalue Florida Real Estate ; The Silicon Valley Economy Is a Nightmare ; and More Picks

Flooding Risks Could Devalue Florida Real Estate ; The Silicon Valley Economy Is a Nightmare ; and More Picks 1/22

Reports: Flooding Risks Could Devalue Florida Real Estate (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “Flooding due to climate change-related sea level rising, the erosion of natural barriers and long-periods of rain pose substantial economic risks to Florida, particularly to the value of South Florida real estate, according to two new reports released last week.”

We Have 10 Years to Radically Decarbonize the Building Industry (Chris)

From Fast Company: “For the past eight years, I’ve spent every day of my professional life enabling an industry that is responsible for nearly 40% of global climate emissions. I don’t work for an oil or gas company. I don’t work for an airline. I’m an architect. … It is time for the design community to come to terms with carbon and climate change — both the reality of our shared climate emergency and the very personal implications of the building industry’s role in perpetuating it.”

The Silicon Valley Economy Is Here. And It’s a Nightmare. (Chris)

The author writes, “For all its promises of changing the world for the better, Silicon Valley has other priorities.”

There’s a New Obstacle to Getting a Job After College: Getting Approved by AI (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “At schools such as Duke University, Purdue University, and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, career counselors are now working to find out which companies use AI and also speaking candidly with students about what, if anything, they can do to win over the algorithms. This shift in preparations comes as more businesses interested in filling internships and entry-level positions that may see a glut of applicants turn to outside companies such as HireVue to help them quickly conduct vast numbers of video interviews.”

A Genetic Elixir of Life Helps Millenia-Old Ginkgo Trees Escape Death (Mili)

The author writes, “Researchers are starting to uncover some of the botanical secrets behind the ginkgo’s astounding longevity — a concept we fast-aging humans may struggle to fathom, let alone replicate for ourselves. Per a study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ginkgo trees don’t decline much as they age. Instead, the trees continue to pump out protective chemicals; unlike many other organisms, they don’t seem cellularly programmed to die.”

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