As Himalayas Warm, Nepal's Climate Migrants Struggle to Survive - WhoWhatWhy As Himalayas Warm, Nepal's Climate Migrants Struggle to Survive - WhoWhatWhy

US Accused of ‘Modern Piracy’ Over Diversion of Masks ; Why Do Matter Particles Come in Threes? ; and More Picks 4/6

As Himalayas Warm, Nepal’s Climate Migrants Struggle to Survive

US Accused of ‘Modern Piracy’ Over Diversion of Masks ; Why Do Matter Particles Come in Threes? ; and More Picks

US Accused of ‘Modern Piracy’ Over Diversion of Masks ; Why Do Matter Particles Come in Threes? ; and More Picks 4/6

Early Data Shows African Americans Have Contracted and Died of Coronavirus at an Alarming Rate (Russ)

From ProPublica: “No, the coronavirus is not an equalizer.Black people are being infected and dying at higher rates. Here’s what Milwaukee is doing about it — and why governments need to start releasing data on the race of COVID-19 patients.”

US Accused of ‘Modern Piracy’ After Diversion of Masks Meant for Europe (Siobahn)

The author writes, “About 200,000 N95 masks were diverted to the US as they were being transferred between planes in Thailand, according to the Berlin authorities who said they had ordered the masks for the police force.”

Kushner Company Stands to Benefit From Freeze on Federal Mortgage Payments (Celia)

The author writes, “Jared Kushner’s family business could be a prime beneficiary of a provision in the federal recovery bill that allows owners of apartment buildings to freeze federal mortgage payments on low- and moderate-income properties. … Because Kushner Companies, like many real estate companies, establishes buildings as a network of individual LLCs, it may be possible for it to obtain federal help for some buildings even if it has enough money to cover the mortgage payments.” 

Nonprofit Files Lawsuit Saying Fox News Misled Viewers About Coronavirus (Reader Steve)

The author writes, “The suit, filed on behalf of the Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics (WASHLITE), alleges Fox News engaged in unfair or deceptive acts by representing the coronavirus as a hoax in broadcasts that aired in February and March. Those broadcasts caused viewers to fail to adequately protect themselves or mitigate the virus’ spread, and therefore contributed to the public-health crisis and preventable mass death, the lawsuit says.”

Radiation Around Chernobyl Is 16 Times Higher Than Normal After Forest Fires (Chris)

From Gizmodo: “Within the area of the blaze, radiation levels reached 2.3 microsieverts per hour (μSv/h), according to Firsov. Normally, the background radiation in the area is 0.14 μSv/h, he added. Sieverts measure the amount of energy, specifically ionizing radiation, that can be absorbed by human tissue.”

Why Do Matter Particles Come in Threes? (Mili) 

The author writes, “Nobel Prize–winning physicist Steven Weinberg’s new paper tackles the mystery of why the laws of nature appear to have been composed in triplicate.”