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Trump's Anti-Press Rhetoric ; A New Leader For Mexico ; and More Picks 7/2

Trump's Anti-Press Rhetoric ; A New Leader For Mexico ; and More Picks 7/2

Did Trump’s Anti-Press Rhetoric Cause Newspaper Shooting? (Russ)

Does calling the press the “enemy of the people” desensitize violence against journalists? Capital Gazette journalists give thanks in this article, as well as swear not to forget the words used against their profession.

Trump’s Freedom of Press Test (Reader Steve)

Last year Attorney General Jeff Sessions answered Trump’s call to “stop the leaks” by announcing a slew of investigations against potential leakers. Many saw this as a crackdown against whistleblowers, though there have been no cases to prove that claim so far. The Ali Watkins case may be the first.

Can Newly Elected President Lopez Obrador Break Mexico’s Deadlock? (Dan)

Seen as Mexico’s leftist answer to President Trump, Lopez Obrador will have to deal with corruption, NAFTA negotiations, and a Mexican electorate driven by anger over years of mismanagement.

Trump Is All Bark and No Bite (Kirsty)

The author writes, “Yes, words have great import, and the casual way Trump verbally disregards norms and laws is rightly troubling. But so far none of the president’s eyebrow-raising tweets or utterances have actually led to illegal actions.”