This Could Be The Last WhoWhatWhy Story You’ll Ever Read!!! - WhoWhatWhy This Could Be The Last WhoWhatWhy Story You’ll Ever Read!!! - WhoWhatWhy


Japan Apocalypse, Johanna Constantine acting performance. Photo credit: Thierry Ehrmann / Flickr

This Could Be The Last WhoWhatWhy Story You’ll Ever Read!!!

The End Is Near! So now is a great time to donate to your favorite website — since your money will soon be worthless anyway

This week, according to many far-seeing websites and anxious fellow citizens, marks the End of the World. Want to learn more? Here’s a roundup. And, even better, a chance to contribute some of your soon-to-be-worthless money to a good cause: real journalism.

Well, we’re way behind in almost everything we said we’d get done by the end of summer, so we’re halfway relieved to learn that the world is coming to an end. This week.

But don’t take our word for it. It’s all over the Web — which means it must be true.

Here are some links:


September 23 & September 24, 2015 — Opening the IXXI Door — Opening The Abyss — CERN, Mysterious Deaths, Jesuit Rings — The French Minister, The Pope, & The Planned Crossing Over

Will a planet-changing comet cause “climate chaos” on Earth between September 15 and 28, 2015?

Isaac Newton’s September 23, 2015, Prophecy: September 24, 2015, “100% Probability” of Asteroid

SIX huge asteroids COMING our way as doommongers insist world could end from TOMORROW

September 28 to see rare ‘super blood moon eclipse’ inviting ‘apocalypse’

Beware September 2015! A Great Deception is Brewing! I Know What is Going to Happen and it is Not What You Think!

Billy Graham: Sounds alarm for 2nd Coming

Famed evangelist sees signs ‘converging now for the 1st time’

Will You Boldly Proclaim ” I am a Christian”? (NOTE: Search for 2015)

Is The World Going To End In September? Mormon Apocalypse 2015 Prediction Has People Stocking Up On Food

Russian media: U.S. ‘economic apocalypse’ in September. Alignment of ‘ominous events’ prompts frenzy abroad.

NASA claims the world is not going to end in September

Here is a Google search for September 2015 end of the world.

Attention Believers and Skeptics Alike

If you believe The End Is Near — and realize your money won’t be worth anything — may we encourage you to waste it on a donation to WhoWhatWhy? If you don’t believe it — and want to make a long-term investment in serious, quality journalism that doesn’t hand you a load of bull — you may also wish to consider making our work possible. (For those of you who expect next April 15 to roll around… it’s tax deductible!)


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