Ted Rall pulls no punches. He’s a patented political pugilist, landing haymaker after haymaker, week after week. Rall’s cartoons may not float like a butterfly, but they certainly sting like a bee. Here are some of our favorites from 2022.
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Ted Rall pulls no punches. He’s a patented political pugilist, landing haymaker after haymaker, week after week. Rall’s cartoons may not float like a butterfly, but they certainly sting like a bee. Here are some of our favorites from 2022.

Missing the Target
“God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” — Mark Twain

Biden Over a Barrel
After banning imports of Russian oil following Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the US is looking for friendlier sources of energy as fuel prices rise.

Another Death Down the News Hole
Assassination is a matter of perspective.

Sand Trap
What is out of bounds in golf anymore?

Supreme Courting
Public-restroom family planning is about to get real interesting.

Summer Reaping
The latest in celeb autobiographies!

Dog Years of Summer
In pursuit of greater efficiency, the United States pares down its citizens’ life expectancy.

Mutually Assured Distraction
The world may end, but who’d notice?

Who’s Driving?
Rockets and cars, sure, but a cat-meme distribution system? No way.

Don’t Look Back
Bravely, we learn nothing.