Each week, whether accompanying a sharp-edged op-ed or standing on their own, DonkeyHotey’s cartoons take dead aim at the evildoers who keep us up at night.
Our DonkeyHotey doesn’t tilt at windmills. No siree. The targets of his acid-dipped digital pen aren’t imaginary or unimportant. Au contraire. They’re all too real. Each week, whether accompanying a sharp-edged op-ed or standing on their own, DonkeyHotey’s cartoons take dead aim at the evildoers who keep us up at night. Here are some of the best of 2021.

QAnon Republicans Storm the Capitol from Within
Newly elected, gun-toting, QAnon-supporting Reps. Lauren Boebert (CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) have captured the soul of the GOP.

MAGA on Cruz Control
Ted Cruz unleashed in bid to be Trump’s heir apparent.

Bipartisan Unity Is for Losers
Republicans like Lindsey Graham are all for bipartisan government now that they’re no longer in power.

Billions and Billions Self-Served
Elon Musk’s net worth soared by $140 billion in 2020. Jeff Bezos added $75 billion and Bill Gates a mere $20 billion. By one calculation, the country’s billionaires pocketed $1.1 trillion! Think they can afford to start paying their fair share of taxes?

McConnell to Corporate Donors: Keep Your Politics out of My Money
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has done more than anyone to marry money and politics, helping free companies to spend as much as they please to influence elections. But when some CEOs came out against Republican-sponsored voter suppression laws he cried foul.

Tucker Carlson: Grand Wizard of Fox News
“Heil Tucker,” one fan saluted on social media after the Fox News host spewed neo-Nazi venom on his show, invoking the “great replacement” theory popular among white supremacists.

Putin on the Fritz
What’s going on with Vladimir Putin? First he draws a “red line” against the West, then the Kremlin announces it will withdraw the troops — though not the weapons — it’s massed along the Ukraine border.

Kevin Can’t Wait
House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy is rushing to defenestrate his Number 3, Liz Cheney, for denouncing Donald Trump’s big lie and pushing to investigate the Capitol riot.

Sen. Susan Collins Has Some Supreme Explaining to Do
Don’t expect to hear a mea culpa anytime soon from the pro-choice senior senator from Maine, who voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch while insisting they would protect abortion rights.

Big Man on (the Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Cancel Culture) Campus
Republicans fund Turning Point USA to round up kids looking for simple answers and camaraderie.