Measuring Carbon Emissions From Space Will Help Bring Pollution Back Down to Earth - WhoWhatWhy Measuring Carbon Emissions From Space Will Help Bring Pollution Back Down to Earth - WhoWhatWhy

Civilization Could Start Ending in a Few Decades ; The Meaning of 'Executive Power' ; and More Picks 6/4

Measuring Carbon Emissions From Space Will Help Bring Pollution Back Down to Earth

Civilization Could Start Ending in a Few Decades ; The Meaning of 'Executive Power' ; and More Picks

Civilization Could Start Ending in a Few Decades ; The Meaning of 'Executive Power' ; and More Picks 6/4

‘Outright Chaos’ and the End of Civilization Coming as Soon as 2050, Report Says (Chris)

The author writes, “[A policy briefing] published by [Australia’s] Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration … argues that the potentially ‘extremely serious outcomes’ of climate-related security threats are … far more probable than conventionally assumed. … ‘Even for 2°C of warming, more than a billion people may need to be relocated and in high-end scenarios, the scale of destruction is beyond our capacity to model.’”

Mexico City Schools to Allow Boys to Wear Skirts, Girls to Wear Pants (Chris)

From Mexico News Daily: “School uniforms will remain the same [in Mexico City] but students may choose the uniform they prefer to wear. [Mayor Claudia] Sheinbaum said the city released the new guidelines in an effort to promote equity and equality. ‘We are announcing something very simple but for us very transcendent. I think the times have passed in which girls have to wear a skirt and boys have to wear pants,’ she said.”

Donald Trump and Mayor of London Duke It Out (Julian)

A long-running feud between the US president and Sadiq Khan fired up again as Trump arrived in the UK for a state visit. Khan compared the language used by Trump to that of “the fascists of the 20th century” and Trump retaliated with customary Twitter invective.

Executive Power Doesn’t Mean Much (Gerry)

The author writes, “I reviewed more than a thousand publications from the founding era, and discovered that ‘executive power’ doesn’t imply what most scholars thought.”

New York Is a Noisy City. One Man Got Revenge. (Russ)

The author writes, “Complaints to the city provided no relief, so a Manhattan resident sues companies to stop them from making noise. It’s working.”

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