Wall Street Reckons With Climate Science - WhoWhatWhy Wall Street Reckons With Climate Science - WhoWhatWhy

Coast Guard Officer Won't Face Terrorism Charges ; Inside Ivanka's Dreamworld ; and More Picks 4/17

Wall Street Reckons With Climate Science

Coast Guard Officer Won't Face Terrorism Charges ; Inside Ivanka's Dreamworld ; and More Picks

Coast Guard Officer Won't Face Terrorism Charges ; Inside Ivanka's Dreamworld ; and More Picks 4/17

Climate Change to Blame for Maria’s Extreme Rainfall (Rebecca)

From Phys.org: “A new study analyzing Puerto Rico’s hurricane history finds 2017’s Maria had the highest average rainfall of the 129 storms to have struck the island in the past 60 years. A storm of Maria’s magnitude is nearly five times more likely to form now than during the 1950s, an increase due largely to the effects of human-induced warming, according to the study’s authors.”

Coast Guard Officer Isn’t Facing Terrorism Charges, Attorney Says (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “A Coast Guard lieutenant accused of stockpiling guns and compiling a hit list of prominent Democrats and network TV journalists is seeking his release from federal custody since prosecutors haven’t charged him with any terrorism-related offenses.”

How Corporate Media Fact-Checkers Dismiss Nearly Three Decades of Combat in Iraq (Gerry)

From FAIR: “War is not simply defined by the presence of infantry soldiers maneuvering over foreign terrain. Taking control of another country’s airspace with armed aircraft is no less an act of war than implementing a naval blockade of a country’s ports.”

Why Did José Ibarra Bucio Die in a Coma, Handcuffed to a Bed? (Chris)

A 27-year-old DACA recipient, Bucio had been a detainee at the Adelanto ICE Processing Center.

Inside Ivanka’s Dreamworld (Russ)

The author writes, “The ‘first daughter’ spent years rigorously cultivating her image. But she wasn’t prepared for scrutiny.”