Senate Bill Takes Aim at 'Evergreening' by Drug Companies - WhoWhatWhy Senate Bill Takes Aim at 'Evergreening' by Drug Companies - WhoWhatWhy

Capitalism and Climate Change ; Fox News Is Obsessed With AOC ; and More Picks 4/16

Senate Bill Takes Aim at ‘Evergreening’ by Drug Companies

Capitalism and Climate Change ; Fox News Is Obsessed With AOC ; and More Picks

Capitalism and Climate Change ; Fox News Is Obsessed With AOC ; and More Picks 4/16

Has Trump’s Team Found a Way to Attack Iran? (DonkeyHotey)

The author writes, “When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the Trump administration would designate a branch of Iran’s military as a foreign terrorist organization Monday, he said, ‘The Trump administration is simply recognizing a basic reality.’ But critics say they are concerned that it may also be part of an effort to bend reality enough to provide legal justification for armed conflict with Iran.”

Photos: Rival Gang Members March for Peace in the Bronx (Gerry)

From Gothamist: “Inspired by the senseless murder of Los Angeles rapper Nipsey Hussle, hundreds of current and former gang members joined anti-violence activists in the South Bronx on Sunday to march for peace.”

The Next Reckoning: Capitalism and Climate Change (Chris)

The author writes, “It has become commonplace to observe that corporations behave like psychopaths. They are self-interested to the point of violence, possess a vibrant disregard for laws and social mores, have an indifference to the rights of others and fail to feel remorse. … There can be no reasoning with a psychopath; neither rational argument nor blandishment has a remote chance of success. If this indeed is the pathology that we are dealing with when it comes to the climate impasse, then we should be honest about the appropriate course of treatment. Coercion must be the remedy — exerted economically, politically and morally, preferably all at once.”

Only Rebellion Will Prevent an Ecological Collapse (Chris)

The author writes, “a widespread and wilful naivety prevails: the belief that voting is the only political action required to change a system.”

Study: Fox News Is Obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Reader Steve)

From the Lexington Herald-Leader: “A study found that the New York City Democrat was mentioned 3,181 times on Fox News Channel and its sister Fox Business Network during the six-week period of Feb. 25 to April 7, or just under 76 times a day.”