The Rise of Monopoly Power in America — Report - WhoWhatWhy The Rise of Monopoly Power in America — Report - WhoWhatWhy

Monopoly, America
Due to "extreme concentrations of wealth and political power," market sectors in the US are increasingly controlled by fewer actors. This environment may be producing "severe economic inequality, stagnant household income, the collapse of business formation and innovation, and historic levels of political polarization." Photo credit: Mike Mozart / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

The Rise of Monopoly Power in America — Report

Obama Used Tear Gas at the Border Too ; ATM Mistakenly Dispenses $100 Bills, Not $10s ; ...And More Picks

Obama Used Tear Gas at the Border Too ; ATM mistakenly dispenses $100 bills, not $10s ; ...And More Picks 11/28

Obama Used Tear Gas at the Border Too (Chris)

The author writes “[Customs and Border Patrol] said its personnel have been using tear gas, or 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS), since 2010, deploying the substance a total of 126 times since fiscal year 2012.”

California Wildfire Likely Spread Nuclear Contamination From Toxic Site (Tom)

The author writes, “The fire has been widely reported to have started ‘near’ the Santa Susana Field Laboratory site (SSFL), but … it appears to have started at the site itself.”

US Nixed FBI Checks for Teen Migrant Camp Staff (Chris)

Rigorous background checks that should have been carried out on guards at the desert camp have been waived by the Trump administration.

Diversity in Journalism — A Sorry Tale (Jacqueline)

From the Columbia Journalism Review: “50 years after Kerner, we still see chronic underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minorities in print and broadcast media. In 2017, only 16.6 percent of journalists at daily newspapers were people of color; in the US population, more than 37 percent of people are nonwhite.”

Houston-Area ATM Mistakenly Dispenses $100 Bills, Not $10s (Chris)

Happy holidays, Texas!

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